As provided in Bremerton School District Policy #3241, the Board acknowledges that conduct and behavior are closely associated to learning. An effective instructional program requires a wholesome and orderly school environment. Parents and schools need to partner on early intervention in discipline issues. In-school suspensions and activities are encouraged to keep the focus on learning and achievement.
Each student needs to follow the rules of conduct and participate in corrective action taken as a result of conduct violations. The rules apply to the school day, while riding on a school bus, and any school activity conducted on or off campus.
Students are expected to:
1. Conform to reasonable standards of acceptable behavior;
2. Respect the authority of staff and the rights of the person and property of others;
3. Preserve the degree of order necessary for a positive climate for learning and
4. Participate in assigned corrective action.
It is the Board’s expectation that both interventions and corrective actions should be administered equitably, independent of student’s gender and racial group membership. Any concerns regarding this issue should be brought to the Superintendent or the Affirmative Action Officer.
Please read Policy #3241 regarding student conduct. In every case involving a weapon or look-alike weapon on District property or at District-sponsored events, the principal/designee shall notify appropriate law enforcement personnel. After discussing these policies with your student, please sign and date below. If you have any questions regarding these policies, please feel free to contact me.