- Orrenmaa Elementary
- Attendance
Student Expectations
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All students are required to be in school every day, on time, and ready to learn.
Absences and tardies have a strong effect on student performance. Students arriving late disrupt the learning for other students & can have difficulty trying to "catch up" to where the class is in their instruction. If your child is ill and cannot attend class, you are required to inform the front office. You can inform us of your student's absence/illness, by clicking here Absence Verification
- All students are expected to be in their seats by 8:45 am.
- If your student is late due to a medical or dental appointment, please notify your teacher and be sure to provide a note from the doctor to the front office.
- Parents of students with 3 or more unexcused absences will receive a SART letter inviting them to a Student Attendance Review Team meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for the administration and parents to work together to improve the student's attendance.
- Should a child continue to have absences and/or tardies, after having a SART meeting, it will be submitted to the District Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).