1.       Speak using inside voices
    2.       Remain seated at your table
    3.       Never throw food
    4.       Raise hand for permission to be dismissed
    5.       Clean your area before leaving
    6.       Always walk in the cafeteria, no running
    7.       SNACKS may only be eaten at recess time in the designated area. 


    Students are asked to eat a well-balanced lunch daily and must spend a minimum of ten minutes for lunch before being dismissed.

    Parents of students that refuse to eat lunch on a regular basis will be notified.

    If you are bringing your student lunch, we ask that you bring it into the office 15 minutes prior to their lunch time. You can see a schedule of lunches here.

    Children are welcome to bring sack lunches from home. Water and juice may be purchased in the cafeteria for 50 cents. Sodas, hot chips (hot cheetos, takis etc.) are highly discouraged. 

    Breakfast is served from 8:15 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.

    Parents are not allowed inside the lunch room during breakfast or lunch hour.

Lunch Time