- La Sierra High School
- American Government/Economics Academy
Gahagan, David
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Course Description:
This semester course takes an in-depth look at the foundations of American government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the democratic process. Students will examine how political parties and interest groups work; the roles of the executive, legislative and judicial branches; and the responsibility of Federal, State, and Local governments. These topics represent the culmination of civic literacy as students prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of citizenship.
Course Requirements:
All students will participate in homework, classroom assignments, tests, quizzes, and projects. All students will be required to have a separate spiral bound notebook for this class where all of the students’ work will be kept and organized. Notebooks will be periodically turned in and will be graded. Late notebooks will be deducted 10% of the available points for each day they are late.
All of your students Notebook assignments can be located in our classes GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Copies of all Powerpoints, Worksheets, and links to most of the Videos that we view are stored in the GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Unfortunately, Parents dont' have direct access to GOOGLE CLASSROOM, but your Student does. Please ask your Student to log into thier GOOGLE CLASSROOM account and you will be able to see all the work in all their classes. Thank You.