• In an effort to improve student safety and ease congestion at arrival and dismissal, we are going to be clarifying our arrival and dismissal procedures. 

    These guidelines will be enforced while dropping students off in the morning and picking students up in the afternoon.

    Arrival and Dismissal Procedures (see map for visual representation)

    • One entrance into the parking lot at Wells.  Enter the parking lot at the signal light on Wells Ave.  Cars can enter from either direction and make a right or left turn into the parking lot.


    • Two exits to leave the parking lot at Wells.  Exit through the middle driveway onto Wells Ave. (only a RIGHT TURN out of this exit is allowed) OR exit through the driveway at the end of the parking lot onto Noble St. (only a RIGHT TURN out of this exit is allowed).


    • Traffic only flows in one direction – WEST to EAST. 


    • No entrance will be allowed through the driveway from Noble St.  This is an exit only.


    • All cars must be in a parking space or in the drop off/pick up line along the yellow curb that runs directly along the front of the school.  NO PARKING is allowed along this yellow curb (parents/guardians must stay in their vehicles).


    The lane next to the drop off/pick up line is a passing lane only.  Students are not to be picked up from this lane.  This lane is to be used after picking up students or when trying to navigate the parking lot to find a parking space.

    Parents/guardians can park along any neighboring street to pick up their student (please follow all traffic/parking laws) or along Wells Ave (again, please follow all traffic/parking laws).

    Please be kind to the Wells staff members who are assisting in the enforcement of these guidelines.  Student safety is everyone’s top priority at Wells and that is why these guidelines are being enforced.  It’s all about the students!

    Dismissal Map