• Welcome to the home of La Sierra High School Cheer!

    La Sierra Cheer Program is an athletic program geared with the objective of training athletes with a primary focus of encouraging school spirit and support athletic teams, while representing La Sierra High School with class, high academic standards, achievement., integrity, athleticism and community involvement.

    Our Cheer Squad is made up of dedicated, hardworking individuals that take pride in representing our school and school spirit. We perform throughout the school year at events including, but not limited to assemblies, football games, basketball games, pep rallies and off school events. When our schedule isn’t busy, we try to volunteer throughout the community.

    If you are interested in joining our cheer squad, please reach out to Coach Inez Cossio

    Coach Inez can be reached by email at Inezcossio@gmail.com or by cell at 714-420-6637.


    Please Note:
    Must have a completed athletic clearance packet on file in order to practice or compete.

    Athletics Calendar & Information


Cheer 2021




Last Modified on January 3, 2022