• Sra. Todorovich
    Grade Level: 7
    Phone: 201 327-2021 x:2236

    American Council on The Teaching of Foreign Languages:

    ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
    aqui hablamos espanol, spanish flag as background
    Español 7 
     In first trimester we are going to learn about food, how to order in a restaurant, how to shop in different food stores, and more fun things related to food and eating out. Students will also learn how to explain likes and dislikes.  To discuss these subjects, students will use present tense and near future and obligation expressions.
    September - review
    November - December topic - food and restaurants
    Extra Help
    Wednesday morning 8-8:20
    Materials needed 
    • Chrome book(charged)
    • Headphones
    • Pen/pencil
    • Small binder or section in a binder
    Homework policy
    Homework is updated daily on RealTime and google classroom  (when applicable)
    Generally, student has one day to make up missed work after coming back to class. Accommodations are made for longer absences.