     Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts!
     bitmoji books
     Mrs. Kim O'Brien
    (201)327-2021 ext 2233

    Grading Policy: Seventh-grade language arts grades are determined on a point system.  Typically, quizzes and shorter assignments are worth ten to fifty points, while tests and longer assignments are worth fifty to one hundred points, sometimes more.  

     HOMEWORK: There will be many different types of assignments (reading, writing, grammar, etc.). Reading at home is considered homework and notes will often be scored.  Assignments must be completed neatly and correctly (typed work will be required at times). Each homework assignment will count as a single “score” unless otherwise noted. Oftentimes students are given the opportunity to redo assignments in order to earn back credit.  It is the student’s responsibility to redo the assignment and turn it in the following day. Please use Genesis to monitor homework grades. It is the student’s responsibility to check Genesis, complete the work, and turn it in.

    WRITING: Students will be required to have a section of five subject notebook for writing. This tool will be an essential part of the writing completed in class and at home. Students must bring this notebook to class on a daily basis. Students will have multiple formal writing assignments graded each trimester. In addition, there will be a variety of other writing assignments completed during the trimester. Many of the writing assignments will correlate with the reading curriculum.  Use Google Classroom for assistance with your writing. You may view anchor charts, revision and editing information, notes/comments for specific assignments, etc. Google Drive is the place to find all things related to LA.

    READING: Every student should aim to read for at least 20 minutes each night. Record thinking and analysis in the LA notebook. The reading notebook is a window into each student’s thoughts; this tool will give information about how well the students are learning to become readers. 

    Extra Help:  Assistance is given on an as needed basis before or after school.  Students are asked to make an appointment at least one day prior to an extra help session.
    Grades:  Please check Genesis for updated grade information.