LEO Club
Charlotte High School LEO ClubLEO Clubs are international Clubs that are sponsored by a Local Lions Club. LEO stands for: Leadership; Experience; Opportunities. Leaders are not born they are made. Your character, service and leadership abilities are a great example of who you are that being said: If you are a Tarpon in good standing have a passion for community service come to A-209 and see what we are all about.Our motto: We Serve.It's not about what you have, but what you are able to give.. a smile, a laugh a little help can change a persons day.Advisor: Mrs HochsprungSponsor: Punta Gorda Lions Club
Kiwanis Breakfast
LEO President Annibel Harrison goes with Mrs. Hochsprung to a breakfast to honor those who donated or collected shoes for our students
Dedication of Veteran's Wall
Dedication of the Veterans Wall, LEO's went and worked at the McCurdys BB for the day
Englewood Boat races
Working along sided the Y'sMen from Punta Gorda at the concession raising money for local children
Turkey Trott
LEO's Set-up for , registered-refreshments and clean-up for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trott