• Sallie Jones Elementary is a great place to learn because of the amazing teamwork shown by our students, teachers, staff, families, and community members.  Each year, a teacher and a support employee are chosen to represent Sallie Jones at the district level.  

  • We have so many outstanding educators at SJE, so this is always a difficult decision. The candidate should have the ability to inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities, and to help them reach their fullest potential. The SJE Teacher of the Year should have the respect and admiration of the students, parents, and colleagues.

    Thank you for taking the time to nominate a deserving teacher! We look forward to recognizing and honoring one of our outstanding educators.

  • Choosing a support employee recipient is equally daunting! The Support Employee of the Year Award recognizes outstanding support employees who have made unique and exceptional contributions to Sallie Jones Elementary, and is open to all non-certified, non-instructional educational support personnel who serve at the school or district level (such as teacher aides, library aides, bookkeepers, secretaries and clerks, bus drivers, food service staff, custodians, building maintenance workers, warehouse workers, mechanics, nurses, and office managers). Nominees may be full-time or part-time employees.

    Recipients of this award demonstrate commitment and leadership in their field of work and foster cooperative relationships with colleagues and in the community.