Dear Parents, Guardians, and Waterford-Halfmoon Community Members,
We are all shocked and saddened by the senseless tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during their time of pain and suffering.
It is important that in the days to come, as we learn more about this tragedy, that we take time to speak with our children to help them cope and better understand how to process this terrible news. We can take time to reassure them that they are safe. We can observe our children's emotional state because, at times, they may not openly share their fears and concerns. Maintaining a normal routine can help our children. Limiting exposure to the media broadcasts of this event and making sure the content is developmentally appropriate is important.
I want to assure everyone that safety is our number one priority here at school. All access to the building during school hours when children are in classes is limited to the main door access which is controlled by our security monitor who reviews all identification of people prior to being allowed any access into the building. Our safety team holds Safety Drill Lock Downs throughout the year so that our staff and students are prepared to lock down quickly in the case of an emergency.
If your child is struggling, do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or our guidance team. We can provide support immediately.
Let us all work together to support our students during these days of sorrow for the victims and families of the Uvalde, Texas shootings.
Patrick Pomerville