BOE Goals

WHUFSD Board of Education Goals 2022-2023

Public Relations Goal: Adopt and present a fiscally responsible budget that provides our students with a strong educational program and that will be approved by the voters in May 2023. 

Public Relations Goal: Continue our on-going efforts to strengthen the District’s financial standing through the establishment of a long-term capital replacement plan and a long-term financial plan. 

Public Relations Goal: Involve all our district stakeholders in supporting the success of our students and our school through open, ongoing, and proactive communication. 

Specifically, the District will begin to create a communication plan that includes multiple methods of communication, including utilizing technology to create more efficient and positive opportunities for two-way communication between the district and our stakeholders.

Policy and Program Goal: Continue to improve student achievement with all students demonstrating literacy and math skills on or above grade level and an annual four-year cohort graduation rate that exceeds 90%.

Policy and Program Goal: Continue to support the District’s efforts to create a supportive and inviting school climate and culture through opportunities, initiatives, and character education programs that recognize the whole student and are designed to support the social, emotional, and mental wellness of our students.

Policy and Program Goal: Provide ongoing professional development that directly impacts student achievement. 

The district will continue to provide professional development opportunities specifically designed to support faculty and staff as we continue to address student learning loss.

Policy and Program Goal: Review District transportation policies and procedures to ensure the district is providing the safest and most efficient transportation service for our school community.

Policy and Program Goal: Begin the process of reviewing and updating our current Board of Education Policy Manual with an estimated completion date of June 2024.

Policy and Program Goal: As part of our ongoing effort to prepare students for future success, the District will investigate opportunities to maximize student success in post graduation schooling as well as immediate access to the workplace.  

Facilities and Planning Goal: Support the completion of the current Phase 2A Capital Project and the awarding of bids for upcoming Phase 2B Capital Project with fiscally-responsible oversight and decision making from the District Facilities Committee. 

Facilities and Planning Goal: Improve the signage on campus to better inform the public of the location of all aspects of the campus including sports fields, building access, parking lot traffic flow, and all relevant safety procedures.

Adopted 9/15/22

Board of Education Committee Chairs and Liaisons

Technology: Jack Catanzarita

Finance: David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Jack Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu, Stephanie Gilbert, Robert Zordan

Facilities: Jack Catanzarita, David Lee

Senior Citizens: Stephanie Gilbert & Robert Zordan

Village Board: David Lee

Legislative Liaison: David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Jack Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu, Stephanie Gilbert, Robert Zordan

Saratoga County School Board Association:   David Lee, Jamie Maloney, Jack Catanzarita, Carolyn Bell, Denise Carutasu, Stephanie Gilbert, Robert Zordan

Town Board: Jack Catanzarita & Stephanie Gilbert

Curriculum Cabinet: Denise Carutasu

NYSSBA Delegate: Jack Catanzarita