High School Clubs for students in Grades 7 – 12.
Students are encouraged to participate in class activities such as fundraisers, dances, meeting, and planning of activities for their class. Contact the club advisor for more information.
Class of 2012 (Grade 12) |
Mrs. Finley
Class of 2013 (Grade 11) |
Mrs. Lansing, Mrs. Donaldson
Class of 2014 (Grade 10) |
Mrs. Finley
Class of 2015 (Grade 9) |
Mrs. Lansing, Mrs. Donaldson |
Junior High Student Government, for students in grades 7 & 8, is advised by Mrs. Nancy Smith. Students are encouraged to join this organization to plan dances, activities, fundraisers, class trips, and various other events, that may vary from year to year.
The High School Student Government is jointly advised by Ms. Elizabeth Wyld and Mrs. Tammi Kivitz. This organization plans selling times for all fundraising, plans dances, Moving Up Day, Pep Rallies, and various activities throughout the year for our students.
High School Drama Club is advised by Mr. Eric Nelsen. Various plays are put on each year with all parts needed such as stage hands, directors, stage setting artist, and many other positions. Try outs are held for individual parts for each play as needed. Students interested in joining this club should see Mr. Nelsen.
High School Honor Society, Mrs. Nicole Spulnick and Mrs. Kathleen Shaker
Jr. High Honor Society, Mrs. Nancy Houle and Ms. Brophy
Yearbook (Publishing), Ms. Elizabeth Wyld
Yearbook (Financial), Mrs. Jodi Ancin
Masterminds, Mr. Paul Ferrara
Global Travel, Mr. Paul Ferrara