TOP 10 LIST of Job skills New York Employers Want
1 . Intergrity/Honesty
Employees who are trustworthy and can recognize the importance of making work-related
decisions based on values. They understand their employer’s standards and are
empowered to act accordingly.
2. Cooperation
Employees who can work well as a team.
3. Personal Appearance and Hygiene
Employees who maintain acceptable personal appearance and cleanliness in the workplace.
4. Understanding
Employees who can identify and appreciate the needs of a customer or co-worker.
5. Sociability
Employees who are respectful, courteous and cordial to customers and co-workers.
6. Responsibility
Employees who exert a high level of effort and perseverance toward reaching a goal.
They become accomplished at all related tasks in the pursuit of excellent customer service.
7. Self-Esteem
Employees who believe in their own self-worth while maintaining a positive self image.
8. Literacy
Employees who meet the basic education requirements of their job, while reading and
writing at the level of assigned tasks.
9. Communication
Employees who can share their questions, suggestions and decisions as needed.
10. Courtesy
Employees who can demonstrate acceptable behavior when interacting with customers
and co-workers.
Career Exploration use the links below to help
Employment Opportunties use the links below to explore career paths.
Summer Youth Employment Program