
Elementary Challenge FAQ

Click here for information on the Elementary Challenge Program.

What's Happening in the Challenge Classroom?

The Challenge Program will follow the schedule chosen by the School District of Washington and their classroom protocols will be aligned to this plan. Enrollment in the program may dictate adjustments to the schedule throughout the year. The teachers of the program will communicate with parents prior to the first day of attendance.

A Typical Challenge Day

Our Challenge day includes student activities in the areas of logic, problem solving, creative expression, Project Lead the Way and affective learning. The curriculum changes from year to year based on student interest and needs.

Logic - By combining, relating, ordering and eliminating, students will sort through related bits of information to form a logical solution.

Problem Solving - While respecting the reasoning of others, students will exchange ideas to examine, explain, and evaluate problems from multiple perspectives.

Creative Expression - Through the processes of writing and research and by utilizing literature and technology the interdisciplinary units are developed to engage students in creative and critical thinking.

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) - Pathways in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science engage students in hands-on activities, projects, and problems. Students become creative, collaborative problem solvers ready to take on any challenge.

Affective Learning - Being gifted often comes with challenges like asynchronous development and social and emotional challenges. These activities encourage student interaction and collaboration to provide growth in these areas.
Elementary Challenge Staff

Michelle Bobo
Gifted Facilitator

Challenge Calendar

2024-25 Challenge Calendar

Elementary Challenge Curriculum

Curriculum for the Elementary Challenge Program is sequential, mindfully connected and expressed throughout the system. Options provided by the program have links to general curriculum, as well as ...more

Weekly Schedule

Monday- Sixth Grade
Tuesday- Fifth Grade
Wednesday- Fourth Grade
Thursday- Third Grade
Friday- K, First Grade, Second Grade

Elementary Challenge Structure

Challenge program eligible students meet once a week with other identified students according to their grade level or a range of grades which are consistent with the individual's current grade level ...more