Solar Eclipse Viewing

Solar Eclipse Viewing on Monday, April 8; Students Must Opt-In to Participate
Posted on 04/03/2024
SDOW LogoOn Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross over the United States. The solar eclipse will be visible in Missouri, and totality begins around 1:56 p.m. CDT. The School District of Washington has been busy planning to make this event a unique learning experience for our students.

All District students (with parent/guardian permission indicated here) will be allowed to go outside and participate in activities and view the period of totality (“Solar Eclipse Viewing”). Classroom teachers will be providing additional details regarding viewing location for their particular class as the event approaches.

Signed permission slips must be turned in by students to view the eclipse. Elementary students should turn in their permission slip to their teacher. Middle school students should turn in their permission slip to their science teacher. High school students should turn in their permission slip to their 6th hour teacher.

As always, student safety is our top concern. Looking directly at the sun is unsafe. The only safe way to look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, such as “eclipse glasses.” Per NASA, homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun.

The School District of Washington has purchased and will provide all students and participants who attend the outdoor activities eclipse glasses to wear during this event. Although there is no way to fully guarantee student safety during such a rare event, we will take precautionary measures including pre-education to make students aware of the risks involved in directly looking at the sun.

At no time should students or participants remove their eclipse glasses and look directly at the sun as it could cause permanent eye damage or other unknown affects. There is no way for the school to guarantee that your child will not remove their eclipse glasses, so please speak with your child about the importance of keeping their eclipse glasses on at all times during this event.

*If you want your child to participate in outdoor viewing activities planned on April 8 for the eclipse, please review, sign and return this form as soon as possible. If you do not wish for your child to be outside during this event or if you do not return this form, alternative activities will be held inside during this period.

Solar Eclipse Viewing Permission Slip (Must Be Turned in to view the Solar Eclipse)