    MakerSpace at Vestavia Hills Elementary West will inspire students to become participatory learners to uncover their talents, needs, and interests by making, producing, solving, creating, collaborating and thinking. It is an area that provides hands-on, creative ways for students to design, experiment, and invent as they engage in science, engineering, and tinkering. (definition from edutopia) All students in grades
    K-3 will participate throughout the year in MakerSpace at VHEW.
     Bringing A MakerSpace To VHEW Will...
    • Allow for students to embrace failure as a means for heading toward success
    • Allow students to collaborate and learn from one another
    • Create experts who students will look to for guidance
    • Foster creative thinking
    • Create ways for students to ask real questions to drive their exploration
    • Encourage students to pursue existing passions or seek out new passions
    • Ignite excitement and a joy for learning
    • Promote multiple ways to solve problems
    • Allow students to practice perseverance in day to day learning
    • Expose students to materials they may have never used
    • Encourage student reflection on the process of making
    • Create thinkers
    Third graders at Vestavia Hills Elementary West will have the opportunity to participate in a MakerSpace Club that will meet weekly after school in the spring.