• Art

    All Vestavia Elementary East students participate in art classes each week. The K-3 Art curriculum is based on the Alabama Course of Study for the Visual Arts. It reflects a developmentally appropriate foundation for building on learned content and skills from one year to the next. While learning basic fundamentals, students also learn creative problem solving, art appreciation and artistic fluency. Individual learning styles are accommodated to help students see there are different ways of doing things, each providing a unique result. The Art Room provides a stimulating environment promoting this type of creative thinking while encouraging students to use good judgment, develop responsible behavior and have a more tolerant and cooperative attitude toward others. A rotating exhibit of student work from all grade levels is displayed in the school’s front entrance through out the year.


    The VHEE Library Media Center program is designed to prepare our students to be 21st century learners.  Our program focuses on both technology and literature by providing library lessons focusing on the skills and standards of the American Association of School Librarians and the Alabama Courses of study.  Our library collection provides our students and teachers with a variety of print and digital resources to enhance and support their research and learning. 

    Our music program at Vestavia Hills Elementary East is a fun, skills-based program based on the state and national music standards. Students sing, play instruments, and analyze a variety of music from America and around the world. Students use instruments such as guitars, hand bells, African drums, and xylophones to experience hands on learning. We use the latest technology including audio cube MIDI controllers to create music and share our work. We offer an after school elective choir to 3rd grade students. The choir performs in community events and participates in service projects around town.  Our mission in the music program is to create a life-long love of music for each and every student.   

    Physical Education
    The goal of the Physical Education Program of Vestavia Hills Elementary East is to assist each student to become a physically healthy and active person and gain knowledge about healthy lifestyle.  The curriculum for K-3 Physical Education is organized into content standards and benchmarks that define the learning goals and objectives appropriate for each grade level.  What the students should know and be able to do is defined in three strands:  motor skill development, health-enhancing physical activity, and interactive behaviors.  A sequential and progressive physical education program benefits the various needs, ability levels, and interests of all the students.
    Click the following link to view All CCRS Courses of Study.