Saddlewood Elementary School PTA

Greetings from the Saddlewood PTA

The Saddlewood Elementary School PTA welcomes every parent, guardian, teacher and staff member of the Saddlewood community. Please consider joining our unit this school year. Membership allows you to have your voice heard, be in on the decision-making process and become part of a group that strives to make our school the best it can be.

The Saddlewood PTA continues to connect the dots between home, school and community. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the school. Come hear what is going on at Saddlewood. Consider volunteering at an event, reading to your child’s class or chaperoning on a field trip. Any amount of time you can give is appreciated! The PTA is a great way to meet people and stay connected to your children and the school.

Join us for many events and projects scheduled throughout the year. Please check the Google web calendar on the school homepage for meeting dates/changes and a list of monthly PTA-sponsored events.

As always, please contact any PTA officer listed below for more information.

Thank you for the time you give. Without you, we would be unable to do the wonderful things scheduled for this year in our school.

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Follow news and announcements from the Saddlewood Elementary School PTA on Facebook.

2023-24 PTA Officers

Co- Presidents

Vicky Paulter

Sarah Zink

Vice Presidents

Michelle Irons

Kimberly Munks

Jennifer Phelps


Jennifer Wells

Recording Secretary

Michelle Dunavin

Corresponding Secretary

Alison Murphy

Other PTA Links