South Colonie Board of Education released the district’s “VISION 2025” in Fall 2022, outlining a collaborative strategic plan that continues with the district’s four areas of focus: Academics, Wellness, Character and Community.
A full copy of the printable plan can be found here.
A message from Superintendent Perry
The South Colonie Central School District invited NYSSBA to submit a proposal that would look at the future of the District by means of a customized strategic planning process. This process involved the gathering of information and facts from the District by means of a review of related literature, District data, plans, and meeting notes. In addition to gathering facts, CASDA consultants collected opinions and ideas from over 100 people in eleven focus groups who were directly involved with the District. Collecting these opinions was considered important for two reasons. First, the collective intelligence of many people makes for more thoughtful, thorough, and sound decisions. Second, including many people in the decision process ensures a wider support base for project outcomes than would informing them of decisions after the fact. This reasoning was especially true for long-range strategic planning efforts of this nature. Gaining the thoughts, opinions and support of
people affected by the District is critical for the future
success of the school district.
As the South Colonie Central School District Board of Education sets policy and provides direction in the years ahead, the strategic directions provided by these representatives and residents of the District will be a valuable resource.
Four Areas of Focus
A printable copy of the strategic snapshot can be found here.

School and classroom experiences are dynamic and personally relevant, predicated on the knowledge and belief that students learn best when they are physically and mentally available for learning and pedagogical practices are modernized.
Areas of focus
- Learning Framework and Student Pathways Experience
- Evidence-Based Decision Making
- Responsive Communication
- Accountability for Improved Student Achievement
- Instructional Monitoring and Support
Implementation strategies
- Develop a learning framework to promote stronger foundation for adult life including expansion of graduation pathways, CTE programming, mentorships, internships and other work experiences.
- Implement student information system that can be readily accessed and manage critical data points for the purpose of tracking district performance.
- Implement professional development for all groups on the common understanding of assessments to inform academic and behavioral expectations.
- Create a district culture where reciprocal communication exists across all levels.
- Create a district culture committed to improved student achievement.
- Provide access to student progress data and promote grading practices that promote student growth.
Organizational culture and environment that is culturally-responsive and inclusive, with students and employees alike actively engaged in approaches to be more accepting and compassionate of others and their differences, while actively facilitating safety and positive mental health and wellness.
Areas of focus
- Physically and Emotionally Safe schools
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Collaborative Learning for faculty and staff
Implementation strategies
- Develop and implement system to ensure that all school buildings
and grounds are safe, secure and well maintained. - Create districtwide expectations to ensure physical and emotional safety for all.
- Implement curriculum that responds to the social and emotional needs of the students and staff.
- Implement a collaborative decision-making framework to instill culture of collaborative and collegial relationships.
- Participate in rituals that recognize and celebrate progress
- Develop and implement system to ensure that all school buildings
Professionalism that empowers and supports all school personnel to be “leaders” in the purposeful building of the conditions for continuous improvement in their respective roles.
Areas of focus
- Leadership Capacity Building
- Leadership Transformation
- Ethical Governance and Transparency
- Staff Recruitment, Selection and Retention
Implementation Strategy
- Expand leadership capacity of district by creating sustainable and meaningful mentor program for teachers and administrators.
- Provide individualized professional learning opportunities.
- Provide strategic feedback to staff members in order to balance instructional leadership and operational demands.
- Develop internal audit protocols that monitors progress of schools
accountability and regulations in compliance with SCCSD policy. - Develop clear expectations and implementations that reflect transparent decision-making while ensuring equitable distribution of
resources. - Create collaborative relationships with IHE to expand a qualified and
diverse pool of candidates. - Develop career ladder and internal developmental process for students who are interested in a career in education.
School and community engagement that captures and capitalizes on the energy of positive family involvement through varied modes and means of communication.
Areas of focus
- School-Family Engagement
- School-Community Engagement
Implementation Strategies
- Utilize community resources to increase family accessibility to
school sponsored events and activities. - Utilize resources to support social-
emotional development. - Expand access for community
members and families to provide
feedback. - Increase quality of partnerships with higher educations, community-
based organizations and business partners.