Working Papers

You need working papers for any job except the following: work on the home farm, caddying, babysitting, casual employment consisting of household chores and yard work in and about a residence or the premises or a non-profit organization that does not involve the use of power-driven machinery.

Working papers are issued for two different age groups:

  • 14-15 Years of Age (Blue working papers card)
  • 16-17 Years of Age (Green working papers card)

How to Obtain Working Papers

Working papers are only issued through the high school.

The Process

Obtain the working papers application from the high school health office. At that time, the nurse will confirm that your physical is up to date. Complete Part I of the Application for Employment Certificate form and have parent or guardian sign it. Return the completed application to the secretary in the health office. The secretary will issue the official working paper card. 

Laws Governing the Employment of Minors

The Division of Labor Standards enforces the statutes governing maximum and prohibited hours of work for minors and the type of work permitted for minors. The Division also inspects establishments to insure that minors under 18 have proper employment certificates also referred to as working papers.