Colonie Central High School Hall of Fame

About the Hall of Fame

Since 1994,  nearly 75 graduates have been honored in the Colonie Central High School Hall of Fame. The inductees represent a variety of high school classes and accomplishments. In 2010, a new Military Wing was added to the Hall of Fame – dedicated to those CCHS graduates who lost their lives while on active duty.

The purpose of the Hall of Fame is to identify role models for CCHS students and to illustrate to them that South Colonie Schools provide the educational foundation necessary to build a successful life.

All nominees are acknowledged and, if not selected the first year, remain in an active pool of nominees for a period of five years.

Hall of Fame inductees:

    • Are recognized at commencement exercises each year.
    • Are honored guests at a reception for the inductees and family.
    • March in the graduation processional on their induction year.
    • Are recognized on stage in front of all graduates, their families and invited guests.
    • Are honored with a portrait and biography proudly displayed on a plaque in the Hall of Fame hallway at Colonie Central High School.

Nomination Application

Please take the time to nominate an alumnus or alumna you believe would be an ideal role model for our children here. Hard copies of the Hall of Fame Nomination Application are also in the office of Colonie Central High School, One Raider Blvd., Albany, New York 12205.

The application process is now closed for this school year.  It will reopen in January 2024. The deadline to submit applications each year is the first week of March. The selection committee meets in April to make its selections for June graduation. If an application is not selected on the year it is submitted it remains in consideration for future years (there is no need to resubmit the application year after year).

Hall of fame electronic application.

Nomination Criteria

Candidates for nomination must exemplify the characteristics of honesty, integrity and strength of character that reflects positively on both the individual and the South Colonie Central School District.

    • Students are eligible for nomination to the Hall of Fame ten (10) years after graduation.
    • Faculty/Staff are eligible for nomination to the Hall of Fame five (5) years after leaving the employ of the South Colonie Central School District and must have a minimum of five (5) years of service to the District. The member must also have had a direct and significant impact on the students and the community.
      The submission of a name for consideration will be made in one of six categories. Nominees in these categories must have demonstrated high levels of achievement, award recognition and significant contributions in their fields.

Medicine and Science

    • Graduates who are surgeons, specialists, and/or general practitioners of high regard or distinction
    • Scientists whose findings have benefited humanity in an important area of existence or who have added substantially to the body of human knowledge  
    • Recipients of distinguished awards in any field of scientific endeavor; etc. 

Business and Professional

Graduates who are respected economists, influential stock market analysts, CEOs of noted corporations or businesses, particularly successful business persons, legal professionals, etc.

Arts and Entertainment

    • Graduates who are well-known or frequently published writers, winners of prestigious literary, acting or artistic awards
    • Influential critics
    • Recognized musicians or composers
    • Media celebrities; etc.

Humanitarian and Service

Graduates who have rendered consistent and significant service to the local, state, national or world communities.

Lifetime Recognition

This category is reserved for an individual who may not have attained award status in his or her chosen field but whose life demonstrates high moral character and dignity, or who has demonstrated courage in overcoming extraordinary obstacles in life.

Once a candidate is nominated in a category, he or she will be evaluated using the following criteria:

    • Exemplary achievements and recognition in their chosen field
    • Outstanding citizenship
    • Exhibits qualities of leadership
    • Has made a meritorious contribution to society
    • The candidate must demonstrate the qualities listed above in a manner that will inspire the students of the South Colonie Central School District in the pursuit of excellence

Exceptions to the criteria may be possible with the full agreement of the Committee when circumstances or events warrant such action.

Hall of Fame Inductees by Induction Year

Read more about all of our Hall of Fame inductees. Members are listed in the order of the year they were inducted. The full list of members to date are listed below along with their year of graduation from CCHS.

Inducted in 1994

  • Ralph Boyd, Jr. (1975)
  • Charles Campagna (1973)
  • Brian Casey (1967)
  • John Gregg (1957)
  • Bruce Leland (1964)
  • Diana Marchitto (1962)
  • Don Mion (1970)

Inducted in 1995

  • Mary Brizzell (1961)
  • Leo Carignan (1961)
  • Alden T. “Joe” Doolittle (1963)
  • Frank Myers (1963)
  • Edward E. Winders (1960)

Inducted in 1996

  • Henry Dennis, Jr. (1961)
  • Richard Kruse (1959)
  • Janet Worth Moen (1961)
  • Harold “Pep” Sand (1947)

Inducted in 1997

  • Eric Emerick (1982)
  • Sharon Falkenheimer (1970)
  • Kim Halburian (1976)
  • Ruth-Ercile Hodges (1990)
  • Martha Maurer (1970)

Inducted in 1998

  • Carol Endres Lewin (1966)
  • James Ryan (1966)
  • Jane Wilson Charles (1980)

Inducted in 1999

  • Steven Jensen (1965)
  • Dean Ruckert (1965)
  • Edward Sim, Jr. (1975)

Inducted in 2000

  • Phillip Kolker (1959)

Inducted in 2001

  • No inductees

Inducted in 2002

  • Kym Frank Gaylo (1977)
  • James J. Morrell (1962)
  • Don Myers (1967)
  • Joseph “Chuck” Zarriello (1957)

Inducted in 2003

  • Dr. Anthony C. Campagna (1977)
  • David A. Gamble (1989)
  • Dr. Cashell E. Jaquish (1983)

Inducted in 2004

  • Patrice J. Ricciardi (1971)
  • Dr. Michael DiPietro (1966)

Inducted in 2005

  • No inductees

Inducted in 2006

  • J. Dennis Cafaro (1966)
  • Charlene Dukes (1985)

Inducted in 2007

  • Brigadier General F. David Sheppard (1970)
  • Gregory Jensen (1973)

Inducted in 2008

  • John A. Monteiro (1975)
  • David M. Chico (1983)
  • Lorenzo Hodges (1978)

Inducted in 2009

  • Dr. Neil J. Belgiano (1967)
  • Mary Ann Chesky (1984)

Inducted in 2010

  • Amy Seyboth Tirador (1998) New Military Wing

Inducted in 2011

  • Paul Gordon (Honorary Inductee)
  • Brian Palazzolo (1992)
  • Raymond Roland (1956)

Inducted in 2012

  • Robert A. Domenici (2004)
  • Julie Pamkowski (2004)

Inducted in 2013

  • Joyce Gay (1962)
  • Kenneth Olsen (1999)
  • James Plourde (1995)

Inducted in 2014

  • Paul Gansle (1960)
  • Lt. Col. Robert Kirkland (1984)

Inducted in 2015

  • Jeffrey M. Zelka (1984)

Inducted in 2016

  • Claudia Marks (Adams Kanne) (1966)
  • James (Tim) Ryan (1966)
  • Meaghan Nichols Sammons (1993)

Inducted in 2017

  • Michael J. Aidala (1955)
  • Nikki (Allen) Caruso (1983)

Inducted in 2018

  • Commander Brian A. Fazzone (1978)

Inducted in 2019

  • The Honorable Christina L. Ryba (1994)
  • Mayor Frank Leak (Honorary Inductee)

Inducted in 2020

  • Stephanie Cogan (Honorary Inductee)

Inducted in 2021

  • The late Trooper Michael J. Anson (Class of 1980)
  • Neil Johanning (Honorary Inductee)
  • Dawn Whiting (Class of 1999)

Inducted in 2022

  • The late Daniel J. Burnetter (Class of 1978)
  • The late Daniel Katharine “Kate” Halligan, MD, PhD (Class of 1998)
  • SMSgt Richard Lamotte (Class of 1991)