Veeder Kindergarten Bus Orientation set for Wednesday, September 6

Kindergarten students are invited to join us for a bus orientation, supply drop off and a chance to meet their teacher in the classroom. Students will meet their teacher, take a short ride in the parking lot, and discuss bus safety and the rules of riding a bus. Please note: Kindergarten Orientation is just for …

South Colonie BOE Member recognized for NYSSBA award

The South Colonie Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perry and Board of Education members recognized board member Christopher Larrabee during its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 30. Larrabee recently received an award from the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) for his individual commitment to expanding his knowledge and skills for better board …

Department of Art and Design unveils student billboard; Congratulations Esther Miller

Congratulations to Esther Miller, winner of the annual billboard design contest for Colonie Central High School digital art students! Her winning billboard was unveiled in front of her family and classmates on Route 155 (New Karner Road) just south of Central Avenue. As in the past years, high school students taking a digital art course …

Popular Raiderfest event returns to CCHS; Raises funds for local causes

Colonie Central High School iCARE students celebrated mental health awareness month in May by welcoming South Colonie students and families to the high school on Saturday, May 20, for their annual Raiderfest celebration. The event raised over $6,000 in support of Safe Harbour and Charlie’s playground build at Saddlewood Elementary. The community event featured a …

Lisha Kill Middle School Student Wins 26th Annual Black History Creative Expressions Contest

We are thrilled to announce that Kaidra Cody, an eighth-grade student from Lisha Kill Middle School, has been selected as a winner in the 26th Annual Black History Creative Expressions Contest. The contest, open to students in grades 3-12 across the Capital District, called for original entries that celebrated the impact of Black individuals, groups, …

South Colonie celebrates senior scholarships and awards

Congratulations to the following seniors on their scholarships and awards! College Scholarships View the complete list here. 1999 Colonie Girl’s XC State Championship Team Scholarship Olivia Armenia Albany City Lodge #540 Knights of Pythias Achievement Award Amber Elk Paul C. Aldi Music Scholarships Band – Ashley Pechulis; Chorus – Ethan Graham; Orchestra – Lucas Bomba …

Peace, Love, and Books!; Bookstock comes to Colonie Central High School

The Library and English departments at Colonie Central High School teamed up to host “Bookstock” before they send students off to complete their summer reading. High school students were welcomed into the library to peruse all the books available to them. Over the course of three days, more than 550 students came to Bookstock, and …

From student to teacher; An interview with Veeder Elementary School’s Ms. Guzior

As the end of the school year quickly approaches, it is an exciting time to reflect on the past year and to imagine how the next year will go. A new school year can mean new teachers, new subjects, new buildings and sometimes even a new school district. Students set to graduate with the Colonie …

South Colonie holds ceremonial ribbon at Roessleville in honor of five new playgrounds

South Colonie hosted a ceremonial ribbon cutting on Saturday, May 20, to highlight the installation of five new playgrounds at its elementary schools. The playground equipment was made possible through generous donations from several school PTA groups and a grant from Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie). During the ceremonial ribbon cutting, Superintendent of Schools Dr. David …

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