Southampton UFSD Contact Tracing Protocol
Contact Tracing if a student or staff member appears ill.
Students and staff with symptoms of illness must report to the nurse’s office.
- The school nurse will assess individuals for chronic conditions such as asthma and
allergies or chronic gastrointestinal conditions which may present the same symptoms as
COVID-19 but are neither contagious nor pose a public health threat. - If a school nurse is unavailable, the principal will isolate and dismiss any student or
staff member who has a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 that are not explained
by a chronic health condition for follow up with a health care provider. In such cases,
the school counselor or social worker will assist parents in making an appointment with
a health care provider.
If students or staff become Ill with Symptoms of COVID-19 at school, the school will follow
Education Law § 906- Whenever a student in the public schools shows symptoms of any communicable or
infectious disease reportable under the public health law that imposes a significant risk of
infection of others in the school, he or she shall be excluded from the school and sent
home immediately, in a safe and proper conveyance. - The nurse will immediately notify the Suffolk County Department of Health.
- The New York State Department of Health considers a close contact to be someone
who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 10 minutes starting from 48
hours before illness onset until the time the person was isolated. - The school nurse will question the symptomatic individual and list the names the
individual has come in contact with, and the areas they have visited in the building.
The school nurse will provide information to the public health department to assist
them with their contact tracing protocols.
Contact Tracing if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school.
- If a student or staff member reports having tested positive for COVID-19, school administrators
or his/her designee (the school nurse) will notify the Suffolk County Department of Health to
determine what steps are needed for the school community. - The school nurse will meet with students and adults to determine who the individual confirmed
case came in contact with and where the individual has traveled in the building as per
Department of Health guidelines below:
- The New York State Department of Health considers a close contact to be someone who
was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 10 minutes starting from 48 hours
before illness onset until the time the person was isolated.
- The school nurse will assess individuals for chronic conditions such as asthma and