Southampton UFSD Board Policies


    Book               Southampton UFSD Board Policies
    Section           1000 Community Relations
    Title                Public Use of School Facilities
    Code               1500
    Status             Active
    Adopted          July 29, 1998
    Last Revised    June 18, 2019
    Last Reviewed  June 18, 2019


    POLICY 1500

    The school buildings and grounds are maintained for the education and recreation of the school children of the Southampton Union Free School District (the "District"), and no use will be made of the buildings or grounds that would interfere or disrupt their most effective use for the benefit of the school children. School and non-school based community organizations, which are not commercial groups, may use school buildings and grounds for meetings when the facilities are available.

    Such use may take place during school hours only if, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Schools or designee, the use will not be disruptive of normal school operations. Both during and after school hours, all such use should pertain to the general welfare of the school and/or community, in compliance with the Education Law. Any such use, however, will not be deemed an endorsement of the activity or purpose for which the facilities are used.

    In conformity with the New York State Constitution and Education Law, the following rules will govern the public use of District facilities:

    1. The District's schools and other facilities, when not in use for school purposes, may be used for other purposes only if a written approval for such other use has been issued by or under the authority of the Superintendent or designee. However, no approval of an Application for Use of School Facilities will be required to be issued to individuals or groups of less than six (6) community residents that are using the outside facilities. All groups using facilities require an approved Application for Use of School Facilities.
    2. Unless the Superintendent or designee is satisfied that the proposed activity on school premises will be adequately supervised, that the applicant will see to the proper conduct of such activity, and that the applicant may be held responsible for any damage that the activity may cause to school property, no approval will be issued.
    3. State Education Law prohibits the use of school buildings and property for any purpose that will in any way interfere with the use of school buildings, grounds, or other school property by the school. C

    Uses Encouraged for District Residents

    It is the policy of the Board to encourage the greatest possible use of school facilities for community-wide activities. This is meant to include those uses permitted by New York State Law.

    Prohibited Uses of District Facilities

    State Education Law and the Constitution of New York State specifically prohibit the following uses of District facilities:

    1. For any purpose that will in any way interfere with the use of school buildings, grounds, or other school property by the school;
    2. By any person or profit-making organization for personal or private gain, financial or otherwise;
    3. For holding a social, civic, or recreational meeting, or other use pertaining to the welfare of the community, unless such meeting, entertainment or use will be non-exclusive and open to the general public;
    4. For a meeting, entertainment, or occasion where admission fees are charged, unless the proceeds thereof are to be expended for an educational or charitable purpose approved by the Board;
    5. For a meeting, entertainment or occasion where admission fees are charged, if such meeting, entertainment or occasion is under the exclusive control and the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association, or organization of a religious sect or denomination, or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization, other than any organization of veterans or volunteer firemen or volunteer ambulance services; and
    6. For any use that is contrary to the provisions of Section 414 of the Education Law.
    7. Meetings sponsored by political organizations unless authorized by the voters' approval.

    Use of School Facilities by School Personnel

    Any requests for use of school facilities for school-related activities will be scheduled through the online Facilities Scheduling. Recognized collective bargaining units may request use of school facilities to conduct meetings as specified in the collective bargaining agreement(s) through the building Main Office via an Application for Use of School Facilities. Scheduling in advance will help to ensure that the space requested is available and not given to outside groups. Requests must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance.

    Use of School Facilities and Charges

    Class r - No charqe to be made under the followinq conditions:

    1. School facilities used by any organized parent-teacher organization, any Board recognized community educational organization for school programs; any Board approved club and cocurricular activity, civic organization group(s), or meetings that are open to the public and for which no admission fee is charged;
    2. School facilities used by any organized community group within the Southampton UFSD, provided that the use of a particular building does not involve custodial overtime; and
    3. School facilities used by any organized community groups where such facilities are used for the events of all children within the community and no charge is made for the participation in the organized group.
    4. Any community adult group (required to obtain approval via an Application for Use of School Facilities).

    Class - Charqes are to be made accordinq to the followinq fee schedule under the followinq conditions:

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    1. School facilities used by Class I beyond the outlined above;
    2. School facilities used by organized community groups within the Southampton UFSD for non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, civic, recreational or other non-commercial, non-personal purpose; and
    3. School facilities used by public school associations for sectional or county competitions such as athletic events, musical contests, academic tournaments, etc.

    Charges may be waived or reduced by the Board when, in its discretion, such reduction or waiver is warranted. Requests for such reduction or waiver must be filed with the Application for Use of School Facilities with a suitable explanation of the request. In the event of such a reduction or waiver, the Board

    reserves the right to permit the use of a facility in a different building from the one requested, which may be open for another purpose.

    Class Il - Fee Schedule



    Base Rate of 3 Hours or Less


    Each Additional Hour

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday of 3

    Hours or Less

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday Each

    Additional Hour

    High School uditorium (including 1 custodian *





    Il School G mnasiums**





    Il Schools - Choral Room,Cafeteria,

    Classroom,Conference Room, or







    10 er erson



    10 er erson


    Turf Field, Track, and/or Tennis Courts

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may be added

    Turf Field Lighting


    $35 per hour


    $35 per hour

    Il Other Athletic Fields

    $25 per use


    $35 per use









    $47.50 per hour


    $95 per hour




    22.50 er hour



    33.75 er hour

    Stage Technician and/or Computer technician


    $50 per hour


    $75 per hour

    * With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    ** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted. *** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    ****Custodial services required for all events.

    *** **Turf lighting usage at the discretion of the School District

    Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide (Sound, Lighting, etc): $50/per hour

    Assistant to the Auditorium Manager/Audio-VisuaI Aide: Prevailing minimum wage

    Any other assistance required will result in an additional charge. Additional charges for damages and/or extended clean up may be imposed and deducted from the deposit balance. Any additional charges in

    excess of the available deposit balance will be invoiced to the applicant and will be due and payable upon receipt.

    Class - Charges are to be made according to the following fee schedule under the following conditions:

    1. School facilities used by organized groups outside the Southampton IJFSD community for non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, civic, recreational, or other non-commercial, non-personal use; and
    2. School facilities used by other school districts.

    Charges may be waived or reduced by the Board when, in its discretion, such reduction or waiver is warranted. Requests for such reduction or waiver must be filed with the Application for Use of School Facilities with suitable explanation of the request. In the event of such a reduction or waiver, the Board reserves the right to permit the use of a facility in a different building from the one requested, which may be open for another purpose.

    C/ass Ill - Fee Schedule





    Base Rate of 3 Hours or Less


    Each Additional Hour

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday of 3 Hours or Less

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday - Each Additional Hour

    High School uditorium (including 1 custodian *





    Il School -

    Gymnasiums** (Custodial not included





    Il Schools - Choral

    Room, Cafeteria,


    Conference Room, or

    (Custodial not included







    10 er erson



    10 er erson


    urf Field, Track, and/or Tennis Courts

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Turf Field

    Li htin


    $35 per hour


    $35 per hour

    Il Other Athletic Fields

    $40 per use


    $50 per use


    Custodial Services



    50 er hour



    100 er hour




    22.50 er hour



    33.75 er hour

    Stage Technician and/or Computer echnician


    $50 per hour


    $75 per hour







    * With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    ** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted. *** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    *** *Custodial services required for all events.

    *** **Turf lighting usage at the discretion of the School District C

    Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide (Sound, Lighting, etc): $50/per hour

    Assistant to the Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide: Prevailing minimum wage

    Any other assistance required will result in an additional charge. Additional charges for damages and/or extended clean up may be imposed and deducted from the deposit balance. Any additional charges in excess of the available deposit balance will be invoiced to the applicant and will be due and payable upon receipt.

    Class IV - Charges are to be made according to the following fee schedule under the following conditions:

    1. For-profit organized groups.

    Class IV - Fee Schedule



    Base Rate of 3 Hours or Less


    Each Additional Hour

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday of 3 Hours or Less

    Saturday, Sunday

    Or Holiday - Each Additional Hour

    High School uditorium (including 1 custodian *





    Il School

    Gymnasiums** (Custodial not included





    Il Schools - Choral

    Room, Cafeteria,


    Conference Room, or Library* ** (Custodial not included







    20 er erson



    20 er erson


    urf Field, Track, and/or Tennis Courts

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    Use and fees subject to Board discretion and approval; the addition of maintenance fees may  be added

    urf Field


    $35 per hour


    $35 per hour

    Il Other Athletic Fields

    $60 per use


    $75 per use


    Custodial Services



    50 er hour



    100 er hour




    22.50 er hour



    33.75 er hour

    Stage Technician and/or Computer technician


    $50 per hour


    $75 per hour







    * With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    ** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted. *** With a deposit of 50% per scheduled use, refundable after event with fees is deducted.

    ****Custodial services required for all events.

    *** * *Turf lighting usage at the discretion of the School District.

    Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide (Sound, Lighting, etc): $50/per hour

    Assistant to the Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide: Prevailing minimum wage

    Any other assistance required will result in an additional charge. Additional charges for damages and/or extended clean up may be imposed and deducted from the deposit balance. Any additional charges in excess of the available deposit balance will be invoiced to the applicant and will be due and payable upon receipt.

    General Regulations

    Requests for District's facilities must be submitted on the proper application via the online Facilities

    Scheduler with any required supplementary documents, and any applicable fee deposit to the Director of Facilities' office. In order to ensure the District has adequate time to process requests properly, a completed online application should be submitted at least one (1) month in advance of the desired use of facilities date.

    Late requests may be considered by the District, however, it should be understood by the applicant that there will be no shortcuts taken by the District in the processing of a late application.

    Any questions will be clarified at the time the Application for Use of School Facilities is filed.

    A newonline application must be submitted every school year for each event requested by each group.

    In the event the District is operating on a contingency budget, the District reserves the right to not allow the use of facilities or all applicable custodial, heating, electric, etc. costs will be charged for ALL community organizations using school facilities and/or grounds.

    Application for Use of School Facilities will be approved based on the following conditions:

    1. Priority will be given in the following order:
      1. School-sponsored activities
      2. Organized community groups serving children
      3. Organized community groups serving all age groups
      4. Organized non-community groups serving children
      5. Organized non-community groups serving all age groups
    2. An "organized community group" is one with at least 50% of its active or "in good standing" membership residing within the Southampton Union Free School District as evidenced by a current organization roster listing the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and membership status that is certified by the applicant to be accurate;
    3. If approval for an Application for Use of School Facilities is issued for a meeting, entertainment, or occasion where admittance fees are charged, a detailed written statement of total receipts and expenditures will be filed with the Board by the applicant within 30 days of such meeting, entertainment, or occasion, in such form as the Board requires;
    4. Whether or not admission fees are charged, no contributions may be solicited or collected on school premises, unless specific permission is granted in the permit;o
    5. Approval for an Application of Use of School Facilities is valid only for the purpose(s), date(s), and hour(s) listed on the approved Application for Use of School Facilities. The approval is not transferable;
    6. It will be understood that the Superintendent or designee has sole authority to grant or reject requests for the use of school facilities and equipment. No approval of an Application for Use of School Facilities is valid unless signed by the Superintendent or designee. ;
    7. The approved Application for Use of School Facilities will be issued for specific hours, at the conclusion of which, the organization will leave the premises. Approval will not be granted to extend beyond 10:30 PM, without prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools or designee;
    8. The approved Application for Use of School Facilities may be canceled at the option of the Board at any time, for any reason;

    1. Outside organizations must supply their own AED and have CPR/AED certified personnel on District Property.
    2. Liability - Because it is in the public's best interest for the Board of the Southampton Union Free School District to protect the District against substantial financial loss, liability insurance will be required for all individuals or groups, other than District-sponsored clubs and organizations, who use school facilities. Any group using school facilities accepts, without reservation, the responsibility for holding the District, the Board collectively and individually, and all employees and volunteers of the District harmless for any injury sustained by a member of such group, and for any damage or loss of personal property owned, leased or borrowed by such group or any of its members. Physical Activity groups are required to have insurance. In addition, the Board requires applicable individuals or groups attach to the Application for Use of School Facilities a Certificate of Insurance, naming the Southampton Union Free School District as an additional insured As a minimum standard, the Certificate of Insurance will meet the following coveraae requirements:

    o General Liability Insurance $1,000,000 per  aggregate 0 Damage to Property $1,000,000

    0 Medical Payments to Others $50,000

    Exemptions from this policy are authorized, at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee, for District sponsored events or for events sponsored by school-related organizations such as student groups and parent-teacher organizations. A further modification of this policy is authorized to be made by the Superintendent or desianee for certain community organizations such as civic associations or incorporated groups. In these instances, the Superintendent or designee may waive the liability insurance. However, no exemption will be granted to any organization which intends to use school facilities for recreational, athletic, physical fitness, or similar activities.

    1. There will be no gambling or use, possession, sale or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances at any time in the school buildings or on school property;
    2. There will be no smoking as defined in the Southampton Union Free School District's Policies 4317

    A Model 100% Tobacco-Free School Policy and 1530 Smoking and Other Tobacco Use on School Premises;

    1. The Board reserves the right to transfer, with due notice, any activity from one space to another in one building, or to another building to achieve energy savings, economies in building operation and maintenance, efficient utilization of facilities, and/or to satisfy the requirements of the school program;
    2. Exhibits, posters, or materials will not be displayed on school property without prior approval of the Director of Facilities;
    3. Masking tape, scotch tape, and similar materials will not be used to affix materials to painted surfaces or chalkboards;
    4. All youth groups will have an adult leader approved by the Superintendent or designee. The adult leader will be present at the time the group is permitted to enter school premises and will remain with the group at all times while it is on school premises;
    5. Sneakers/gym shoes must be worn when sports or games are conducted on the gymnasium floor;
    6. Whenever a group desires police assistance, it will so indicate to the District on the Application for

    Use of School Facilities. The decision to request such assistance will be within the province of the Board or its designated representative. An organization or group using school facilities will not, except in an emergency, directly contact the police;

    1. Special arrangements for the use of building equipment, such as projectors, public address systems, state lighting systems, pianos, etc., will be made with the Director of Facilities or designee prior to the date of the first use of facility. Arrangements will also be made with the Director of Facilities or designee for a qualified Stage Manager or Operator, with costs paid by the organization or group. The Board will determine the fee for services of the Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual Aide of audiovisual and stage facilities and for students who operate equipment during rehearsals and All details and arrangements will be made with the Auditorium Manager/Audio-Visual                                                                                                                                                                


    1. There will be no pets permitted on school grounds or within school facilities at any time, without the written permission of the Superintendent or designee;
    2. The applicant will pay any and all required Federal, State or Local taxes or fees to the proper collecting authority;
    3. The applicant will submit a deposit with the Application for Use of School Facilities in the amount so indicated on said application in the form of either a certified check or money order made payable to Southampton Union Free School District. This deposit will cover all scheduled fees and will act as security against additional charges. After deducting the scheduled fees and any additional charges, any unused deposit balance will be returned to the permit holder. In the event the deposit is insufficient to cover the scheduled fees and additional charges, the permit holder will be invoiced for the difference remaining. This invoice is due and payable by the permit holder upon receipt. Failure to remit the full amount due to the District within thirty (30) days will result in revocation of the permit for scheduled future use of the facilities;
    4. The applicant will not deny to any person participation in the use of school facilities on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status or disability;
    5. All individuals will act in a manner consistent with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, as well as all policies, regulations and/or rules of the Southampton Union Free School District;
    6. Any approved Application for Use of School Facilities will be canceled if the applicant fails to comply with the foregoing provisions or other applicable rules and regulations of the Board and/or Superintendent or designee;
    7. Violators of these rules will be prosecuted as loiterers or trespassers pursuant to Penal Law

    55140.05 and/or 240.35. In addition, at the Board's discretion, violators will not be granted future permission to use District facilities;

    1. Special additional rules for the use of athletic fields:
      1. An "organized group" will also be defined as a group of more than six (6) persons;
      2. The District reserves the right to cancel any activity without notice if field conditions are such that the scheduled activity would reasonably be expected to damage the field;
      3. The District reserves the right to restrict the type of footwear that may be worn on athletic fields;
      4. The applicant will remove all trash from the area(s) used, including any and all trash left by spectators, and deposit same in District trash receptacles. If trash receptacles are either full or unavailable, the applicant will be responsible for discarding the collected trash;
      5. The applicant will not allow any alteration or modification of any goals or other District property or equipment without the express written consent of the Director of Facilities;
      6. There will be no barbecues or open fires on any school property for any reason without specific approval from the Superintendent or designee.
    2. Special additional rules for the use of gymnasiums for other than athletic activities:
    3. A detailed plan of proposed activities must be submitted with the Application for Use of School Facilities;

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    1. Gymnasium floors must be protected. Every effort should be made to prevent damage from paint, machinery, liquids, foodstuffs, hard soled shoes, chairs, tables, tools, etc;
    2. Modifications may not be made to school property;
    3. Modifications may not be made to any electrical panel;
    4. Modifications may not be made to any emergency equipment including exit lights, fire alarms and horns;
    5. Screws, nails, bolts or any other type of penetrating fasteners may not be used on any school property (certain fasteners or adhesives may be used with prior approval from the Director of Facilities or desianee);
    6. Structures to be used or constructed in the gymnasium may not exceed eight (8) feet in height and must be constructed with materials that are not heavier than furring strips and not larger than 3/4" plywood. All structures must be dismantled immediately following the event and be removed by applicant;
    7. Heavy equipment such as forklifts, genies, etc. may not be used (hi-lo's and scaffolding may be used with prior approval from the Superintendent of School or designee);
    8. All trash/rubbish removal is the responsibility of the applicant and must be removed in a timely manner; and
    9. Cost for all custodial/maintenance services provided by the District will be the responsibility of the applicant and will be in addition to the standard charges for the use of the gymnasium.

    The Board, at its sole discretion, will have the power to allow for any beneficial use of facilities provided that such use is in furtherance of the educational goals of the Southampton Union Free School District.

Southampton Facility Use Policy

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