Membership Contract


    National Junior Honor Society


    Membership Contract


    The National Junior Honor Society recognizes and encourages the development of character, leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and service.

    I have read the Membership Expectations and agree to abide by the requirements listed therein. I realize that to maintain membership in this organization, I must continue demonstrating the qualities of character, leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and service.

    I am aware that if I begin to slip in any of these areas, I can be placed on probation and that my membership will be in jeopardy. I will receive written notification of my probationary status.

    I will faithfully attend meetings, participate in service projects, and keep my academic grades and character in line with the NJHS standards. I will also meet deadlines, especially those involving paperwork submission and membership requirements.

    I am aware that at any time, if I feel I need additional support or help in maintaining these standards, I can contact either advisor for assistance.


    _____________________________________        _______________________

    NJHS Member Signature                                                         Date

    I am aware of the standards set for in the Member Expectations document and will assist my child in maintaining his/her character, leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and service qualities.


    _____________________________________        _______________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature                                                          Date

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