National Junior Honor Society

    Selection Process

    Students in the 7th and 8th grade are eligible for membership in the NJHS.  Each year, in the Spring, a Faculty Committee begins the selection process.  In order to be eligible for consideration, a student must have demonstrated the qualities of character, service, leadership and citizenship previously described.  In addition to these qualities, students must have maintained at least a 92% average and been named to the Principal's List for each of the previous four quarters. A prospective member must not have had in or out of school suspension, referrals and/or committed a major offense during the previous four quarters.   Candidates fulfilling these requirements are presented to the entire faculty for recommendations.  The Faculty Council bases its recommendations on these personal attributes:  Character (honesty, integrity, morality, reliability, etc.), Citizenship (attitude, cooperative spirit, effort, punctuality, etc.), Service and Leadership (positive influence, dependability, positions of responsibility, etc.) 

    Once inducted into NJHS, all members are expected to uphold the high moral and academic standards set forth by the Anchor Chapter.  Failure to do so will result in a member being placed on probation.  A minimum number of community service hours are required of NJHS members. 

    Students who meet all requirements for membership will be notified by mail.  Students who have not met all requirements will be contacted by the Anchor Chapter Advisors and encouraged to continue their efforts in order to be reconsidered in the future.

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