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Career Tech Fair

career tech fair 2020/2021

 2nd Career Tech Fair - April 26th 

The 2nd SRHS/TLHS/MHS Career Tech Fair for ALL grades will be held virtually via Zoom on Monday, April 26 from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm. The fair will feature presenters from various industries - such as healthcare, recreation, beauty, fashion, media, building trades, public safety, military, community colleges, and more - which offer career paths that do not require a 4-year college degree. Many have summer internships or jobs for current students! And attendees have the potential to win a $10 gift card to local eateries and stores simply by attending at least one session. Parents are also welcome!

March 1st Fair Presenter info and Directory


April 26th Fair Presenter info and Directory

Questions? Contact

career tech Santa Rosa Junior college and College of Marin

College of Marin and Santa Rosa Junior College Career Tech Presentation slideshow from Monday, March 9, 2020

Santa Rosa Junior College 

College of Marin