World Languages Department Objectives
World Language Department Objective:
To continue to implement and improve the SRHS Language Benchmark Tests and common final exams and to create appropriate benchmark tests for the 5/6 and 7/8 levels in all foreign language courses.
Why Objective is selected: This objective was selected in order to provide a means for determining whether students meet standards, to have a tool which can be used to determine level placement, and to provide a basis for developing remediation.
How Objective relates to the standards and the school vision/ ESLRs/ direction: The benchmark tests are directly based on the curriculum standards covered in the textbook series for all levels. The standards relate to SR's ESLRs in the areas of globally aware citizens, collaborative workers, critical thinkers, and effective communicators. These tests indicate student achievement on the baseline material needed to progress in the language.
Activities to meet Objective:
- Benchmark tests will be developed for all foreign language classes, and all teachers will administer benchmark tests in each semester, and discuss and compare results as a department. Our goal is to develop benchmark tests for the 5/6 and 7/8 levels and to review and revise the existing benchmark tests for 1/2 and 3/4 levels.
- We will meet and discuss goals and outcome of benchmark tests for the department.
- We will prepare a curriculum overview chart by quarter to be able to organize each quarter's material to be covered in order to develop the benchmark tests.
- We will meet quarterly to review progress on development/revision of benchmark tests and to review results in relation to student achievement.
- We will implement benchmark tests as soon as they are developed. Benchmark items should be included in the 1st semester final for all levels. We will use the January Buy-back date to review those items and prepare the 3rd quarter and 2nd semester benchmark tests.