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Student-Parent Handbook

Student Expectation for DIstance Learning 

Student Expectations for Distance Learning

Below are the expectations for distance learning.  In order to maximize the learning experience while engaging in distance learning, it’s important that all students work to become self-directed learners. The sections below lay out the expectations for successful, self-directed learners. 

Self-Directed Learners…...

Take initiative

  • Attend and participate in all scheduled online meetings on time. School policies related to tardies and absences apply in an online environment.

  • Dedicate a consistent amount of time to online learning each day. Expect that online learning school days are the same hours as in-person school days.

  • Complete all assignments in a timely manner (school late work policies apply). If unclear about due dates, reference Google/CANVAS classroom or contact your teacher.

  • If absent, download assignments from CANVAS/Google Classroom 

  • Read and respond to teacher comments left on assignments

  • Read and respond to emails, texts, calls from teachers and staff

  • Actively participate in synchronous and asynchronous work online in all of your classes, daily.

Advocate for self and others

  • Advocate for yourself and others when needing help:

    • Ask specific questions in class

    • Reach out to teachers by email

    • Attend office hours

    • Attend tutoring sessions

    • Communicate with the teacher if the technology isn’t working

    • Communicate with the teacher if there is a family crisis or illness

    • Communicate any concerns you may have for or about friends/peers with an adult at school (teacher, counselor, administrator)

  • Understand that your teacher is available during school hours. Any communication that is received after school hours will be responded to during the next school day.

Use organizational strategies

  • Checks email, CANVAS, and Google at least twice a day (beginning and end of day) in order to keep up with online assignments.

  • Uses their weekly posted class schedules to plan daily and weekly to-do-lists in their agendas and/or online tools.  Maintain the DMS Agenda.

  • Uses SRCS email (not personal email) and Google/Canvas calendars in order for clear and timely communication between student and teacher.   

Participate and behave respectfully online 

  • Participate appropriately in all online classroom activities

    • Turn on cameras during all online class meetings unless agreed upon with the teacher.

    • Participates in full-class Meets (responding to questions/asking questions verbally or typed, other interactive tools).

    • Participates in small group activities (breakout room conversations, tutoring, groupwork, etc).

    • During online meetings, students are fully focused on the Meet -- do not engage in a secondary activity during class time, including using your cell phone, having other chat windows or video meets open during class time.

  • Behaves appropriately in an online environment.  All school rules apply.

    • Does not share Google Meets or Zoom codes with students outside the class

    • Attends only your own Google Meets and Zoom calls 

    • Only displays school-appropriate content when asked, this includes what is displayed in the background of your video. 

    • Participates respectfully in chats, verbal comments, or any content you share 

    • Attend meetings dressed for school within an academically appropriate setting (eg. seated at a desk or table, video focused on the face, quiet background or mic muted, background free of distraction)

Demonstrate academic integrity

  • Complete and turn in your own work using your own words.

  • When using information found on the internet, cite sources, and give credit to original authors (copying and pasting information from a website into an assignment is plagiarism).

Contract for Distance Learning

Live Classes

Students will…

  • Attend on time, just like at school.

  • Attend on a computer, not on a phone.

  • Be dressed, seated and in a location that is appropriate for school. There should be as little noise and distractions as possible. Use headphones.

  • Keep cameras on unless instructed otherwise.

  • Have your materials with you before class begins.

  • Behave appropriately for an online setting (respectful interaction with teacher and peers, attend only your own zoom classes, do not share zoom codes)

  • Turn off other devices, cell phones or browser windows; focus only on the class/ zoom meeting.

Canvas (Online tools?)

Students will…

  • Check Canvas class pages every day to look for announcements.

  • Read and respond to teacher comments.

  • Utilize canvas or google calendar to plan daily or weekly tasks and assignments.


Students will…

  • Check their school email daily.

  • Email teachers and counselors with questions and requests.

  • Contact _______ (in English) or Luisa Vance (en español) immediately if there are connectivity issues (no wifi, broken computer…).

  • Email all their teachers and their counselor if they are not able to attend class because of illness or family emergency.

Academic Integrity

Students will…

  • Complete and turn in your own work using your own words.

  • When using the information found on the internet, cite sources, and give credit to original authors (copying and pasting information from a website into an assignment is plagiarism).

SRHS Handbook


Handbook English

Handbook Spanish