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Web Registration FAQs

San Rafael City Schools Student Information Systems

San Rafael High School Parents

Frequently Asked Questions:


What is Aeries Parent Portal?

Aeries, by Eagle Software, is our district’s official student information system. Aeries Parent Portal provides you access to view your student’s official school records. You can view your child’s attendance records including absences and tardies; and view your child’s emergency contact information. Aeries Parent Portal also lets you view posted grade transcripts and STAR tests performance. High schools open the system for a brief period in the spring, to allow students to register for the next year’s classes.


What is School Loop?

School Loop is a web based communications utility. School Loop is used to create and maintain the school and district websites for public viewing. Teachers and staff have access to create and maintain their own sections of the public website.

In addition to the public website, the School Loop Utility allows the school staff to create news and calendar events that will go out to registered parents, students and staff in a daily "homework" email.  They can also post events and news that are viewable only for registered users, such as parents, students, teachers and staff, when they log in to the website.


Can I view grades for my student in School Loop?

No, grade reporting for San Rafael High is posted in Aeries at regular progress report, quarter, and semester reporting periods.   There are no grades viewable in School Loop.


Why should I register for School Loop?

When students and parents register for School Loop they receive news and see calendar events that are posted strictly for students and parents. You will also receive an email with all the news from the website, along with calendar events.  Many teachers at San Rafael High School also use the system to post assignments.


How do I register for School Loop?

Students and Parents need to have the student’s permanent id number in order to register. The permanent ID is found on the student’s ASB card. Go to your school’s home page and click register, choose parent or student registration and fill in the form. 


How do I become “Approved” as a parent on School Loop?

At least once a week, the school staff will review new parents that have registered to be sure they are really parents at the school, and “approve” them.


What is a “challenge”?

If someone has falsely registered as your child’s parent or as your child, please use the “Challenge” feature to let us know so we can remove them.


What is the daily “Homework email”?

Registered students (parents) will receive a daily homework email that will show current news from the school and their own (their student’s) teachers.

Many teachers at San Rafael High School add current assignments to the website, and these will be included in the homework email received by registered students and parents. These items will also be viewable when the students/parents log in to their portal on the website.

Teachers will continue to require students to write assignments down in their plan books to help them develop good habits of self-organization. Please encourage your child to take personal responsibility for getting organized and managing time to complete his or her schoolwork and study for upcoming tests and quizzes. 


Can I turn off the daily homework email?

If you don’t want to read the daily homework email each day, feel free to delete it. If you wish to turn it off, you can go to the Account Management area in the top right corner your portal to turn it off. You will still be able to log in to the School Loop portal to view current news and assignments.


What else can teachers and students do with School Loop?

Assignments area: Students can ask questions about assignments by posting a message; both the teacher and other students can make responses to the questions.  (This discussion feature can also be a way for teachers to set up an online discussion assignment, a technique that some research suggests can improve student writing.)


Dropbox tool: Teachers can have students submit assignments using the digital drop box. 


Groups: Teachers can create groups to allow students in different sections of the same course to have an online discussion. This has primarily been used by the high school teachers, but some fifth grade teachers have been discussing a cross district group for their students.


My Locker: Students can save files in the “My Locker” area and download them to continue working on them at home or at school, or on any Internet connected computer.  


Web Page Lockers: In web page lockers, teachers can easily share documents and website links with website visitors.


LoopMail: Students can easily email other students or teachers and staff when needed using the LoopMail tool. And teachers can use Loop Mail to return assignments to students.


How can I change my password or contact email address in School Loop? 

You can change your password and contact email in the Account Management section. This section is in the top right of your portal. 


What else can parents do with School Loop to improve school to home communication?

Booster groups may choose to create groups (such as PTA or foundation work). Group members can add events to a group calendar, add documents to a shared document “locker” and have an online discussion, using the group as a space for coordinating activities and involving parents and staff who cannot come to face to face meetings.