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Next SRCS Leader

2022-23 Superintendent Search

The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education is in the process of conducting a search to hire the District's next Superintendent to begin July 1, 2023.

This page will be frequently updated - please check back often!

Carmen Ghysels Appointed as SRCS Superintendent

The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education is pleased to announce that at their meeting on April 3, 2023, they voted unanimously to appoint Carmen Ghysels as the District’s next superintendent. 

Ms. Ghysels' appointment follows an extensive search, which brought an excellent field of 19 highly-qualified candidates, including eight superintendents and five from out of state. The Board's decision is a reflection of input gathered from key stakeholder groups in the District regarding the qualities desired in SRCS' next leader.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve this great district,” said Ms. Ghysels. “It is inspiring how the community embraces its schools and students, and I’m thrilled and ready to partner with the dedicated and talented teachers, staff, families, partners and Board to take all our schools and programs to the next level for every student’s success.”

A longtime educator of 38 years with deep experience, Ms. Ghysels is known as an authentic and collaborative leader with a relentless belief that all students can learn and thrive. Currently, she is the superintendent of the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, where she has led the district of approximately 4,200 students for the past three years. 

“We are thrilled to have Carmen as our next superintendent,” said SRCS Board President Gina Daly. “With her decades of experience in improving student achievement and prioritizing student well-being, we are confident she will lead our district with compassion and effectiveness. As a bilingual educator and the granddaughter of immigrants, Carmen brings a deep understanding of the diverse needs and challenges of our students. We are excited to work with her to ensure that all our students have the support and enrichment they need to flourish personally and academically.”

As a student-centered visionary, Ms. Ghysels is committed to closing the opportunity gap. She leads with a warm, inclusive approach with a focus on building strong community relationships and engaging teachers and students. She has earned a reputation for guiding well-performing teams and nurturing staff at all levels. Her leadership skills include highly-effective communication; courageous and transparent decision-making; and demonstrating ownership, accountability and enthusiasm in undertaking initiatives and challenges. Ms. Ghysels has a proven track record of success as an instructional leader, and in particular, has exceptional experience and skills in instructional technology. Above all, her love for serving students and her investment in their success is evident in all she does.

As part of the hiring process, Ms. Ghysels interviewed with a variety of SRCS stakeholders who served on a community advisory panel. They represented groups such as students, teachers, staff, parents and partners. 

“The San Rafael Federation of Teachers is pleased to welcome our new Superintendent Carmen Ghysels,” said panelist Morgan Agnew, a high school teacher and SRFT president. “The Board has selected an experienced leader who knows the job of superintendent, has family ties to San Rafael, and who will be able to connect with all members of our school community. We look forward to building a collaborative, candid, and mutually respectful working relationship with our new Superintendent, much as we have had with Superintendent Jim Hogeboom, who we thank for his service and wish a happy retirement.”

Brianna Padilla, an elementary and middle school instructional coach and president of the San Rafael Teachers Association, was also a panelist and shared,"SRTA is excited to welcome Ms. Ghysels to the San Rafael community. SRTA educators look forward to collaborating with her in advocating for the highest quality educational experiences for our students, for purposeful and impactful professional development for our educators, and for a more equitable San Rafael community. ¡Bienvenidos a San Rafael, Carmen!”

CSEA president Tania Morales represented classified staff, and added, “CSEA is looking forward to working with and developing a collaborative relationship with incoming Superintendent Carmen Ghysels. We are hopeful that her experience in education, both personal and professional, will serve our students in an equitable and beneficial manner. CSEA Chapter 341 welcomes you to SRCS and looks forward to establishing a cohesive relationship.”

Prior to Tahoe Truckee Unified, Ms. Ghysels gained rich, in-depth experience in numerous positions in various diverse schools and districts. She’s served as a bilingual teacher, special education specialist, special day class teacher, instructional coach, principal, special education director, assistant superintendent of human resources, student services and health services, deputy superintendent and now, superintendent. She had long tenures at Mountain View Whisman and Sunnyvale school districts and honed her skills earlier in her career in several districts in the Southwestern United States. She began as a bilingual kindergarten teacher in Houston, Texas. Raised as an English learner, she is fluent in Spanish. Ms. Ghysels graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Special Education and she earned a Master's in Instructional and Educational Technology from San Jose State University. 

Ms. Ghysels’ tenure with SRCS officially begins on July 1, 2023. Over the next several months, she will begin getting acquainted with the District and transitioning into the role alongside retiring Superintendent Jim Hogeboom. The District will share meet-and-greet opportunities for the SRCS community before the start of the next school year. She is excited to join members of her family who currently live in San Rafael. 

The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education is in the midst of the process to find a highly-qualified candidate to serve as our next leader. Earlier this year, the Board selected Leadership Associates to assist the Board with the search process.

An extensive timeline with the various phases and dates has been established to secure a candidate by this spring; below are some of the key dates:

  • January 30 - Initial Meeting with the Board; Board determines characteristics, skills & qualities desired in new superintendent; publicly announces timeline and procedures (Special Open Board Meeting)
  • February 6, 7 and 27 - Consultants confer with staff and community to receive input - see below for more information!
  • February - Consultants identify potential candidates; Development and posting of recruitment materials and position description. The application deadline is Feb. 20.
  • February 28 - Board confers with consultants, reviews all applications and selects candidates to be interviewed (Closed Session Board Meeting)
  • March 26 - Board interviews candidates; selects finalist(s) (Closed Session Board Meeting)
  • March - Board completes the validation process of the leading candidate and makes final determination
  • April 3 - Board approves superintendent contract at a regularly scheduled board meeting (Open Session Board Meeting)
  • July 1 - New superintendent begins

Upcoming Input Sessions
Input from the greater SRCS community is a key component of the search. We received a significant amount of responses to our public survey in December - thank you to our community for the valuable feedback!

There are additional upcoming opportunities for input! You are invited to sessions with consultants from Leadership Associates to provide input about the desired personal and professional qualities anticipated in the incoming superintendent.

Community Input Sessions

Virtual - In English
Tuesday, February 7, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 987 6551 0522  |  Passcode: 308939
One tap mobile: +16694449171,,98765510522#,,,,*308939#  | Dial in: 669-444-9171

Virtual - In Spanish
Tuesday, February 7, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 987 6551 0522  |  Passcode: 308939
One tap mobile: +16694449171,,98765510522#,,,,*308939#  | Dial in: 669-444-9171

In-Person - In English
Monday, February 27, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Davidson Middle School Library

In-Person - In Spanish
Monday, February 27, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Davidson Middle School Library

We are also scheduling targeted feedback sessions for teachers, staff, parent leaders, partners and more.

During the sessions, consultants will share an overview of the process, and then ask two primary questions:

  • What are the desirable qualities, characteristics, background and professional and personal experiences for the next superintendent?
  • What do you see as the strengths of the district and the major challenges facing the district in years ahead?

Superintendent Jim Hogeboom has announced that he will retire effective June 30, 2023; the next superintendent is expected to be in place by July 1, 2023.

Dear San Rafael City Schools Community,

Last month, Superintendent Jim Hogeboom announced that he will be retiring at the end of this school year. During his four years with SRCS and his decades of service in education, he has made a remarkable difference for thousands of students. We look forward to celebrating Superintendent Hogeboom’s many contributions to SRCS in the months to come!

Hiring a new superintendent is among the Board of Education’s most essential responsibilities. The Board has begun the next steps to find a highly-qualified candidate to serve as SRCS’ next leader, who is expected to be in place by July 1, 2023. Given the importance of this process, the Board has decided to seek proposals for an executive search firm to provide advice and support. At its open meeting on Jan. 9, the Board will hear presentations from interested search firms and consider selecting a firm. After the selection, this Board will work with the firm to identify an extensive timeline that will be shared with the public. 

The Board has emphasized that public input is a key component of the search process, and has plans to begin this work right away. There will be multiple opportunities to gather input and help shape the search for a new superintendent. This will include a survey that will launch next week for our greater SRCS community to share feedback on the characteristics and qualities the Board should seek in a new superintendent. Please watch for the survey and more information next week! 

The website will contain the latest information. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact


Gina Daly and Carolina Martin
Superintendent Search Board Subcommittee

The San Rafael City Schools Board of Education has begun the process to find a highly-qualified candidate to serve as our next leader. Input from the greater SRCS community is a key component of the search. 

You are invited to share your feedback on the characteristics and qualities the Board should seek in a new superintendent - our brief input survey is now available. Please complete the survey by December 23, 2022. 

This survey is one of the ways the Board is gathering input from our community; there will also be a series of community engagement sessions in the new year - please stay tuned for more information. 

In other next steps, the Board is seeking proposals for an executive search firm to lead the search process. At its open meeting on Jan. 9, the Board will hear presentations from interested search firms and consider selecting a firm. After the selection, this Board will work with the firm to identify an extensive timeline that will be shared with the public. Superintendent Jim Hogeboom has announced that he will retire effective June 30, 2023; the next superintendent is expected to be in place by July 1, 2023.