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Information About Measures G & H

San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) is committed to providing a safe and quality education to all our local students, preparing them for college and 21st-century careers.

Quality Education for SRCS Students
Since 1989, San Rafael City Schools has relied upon locally controlled school funding approved by the community. Today, this funding provides almost $7 million each year to help maintain qualified teachers and core academic programs. This funding is set to automatically expire next year. If this local funding expires significant cuts would be required, including reductions in teachers and staff, services and academic programs. 

Renewed Funding for San Rafael Schools
On January 25, the SRCS Board of Education unanimously placed Measure G and Measure H on the May 4, 2021 ballot. Measure G would renew funding for local high schools, while Measure H would renew funding for elementary and middle schools. If approved, Measure G would add $36 to the current $196 rate per parcel, for a total of $232 per parcel, and the Measure H would add $36 to the current $287 rate per parcel, for a total of $323 per parcel. Both measures include 3% annual adjustments to account for inflation and would automatically expire after eight years. By law, funds from the Measures G & H may only be used for voter approved purposes, including:

  • •    Enhancing math, science, technology, music and art instruction 
  • •    Attracting and retaining quality teachers
  • •    Protecting quality core academic instruction programs like math, science and reading
  • •    Maintaining small class sizes
  • •    Preparing students for college and 21st-century careers 

Local Control and Independent Oversight
Both Measure G and Measure H require a clear system of fiscal accountability, including Independent citizens’ oversight and mandatory annual audits to ensure funds are spent as promised. All funds will be controlled locally and cannot be taken away by the State. None of the money raised by the measures will be used for administrators’ salaries.  Additionally, senior citizen homeowners will continue to be eligible for an exemption.