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Opportunity for 2020-21 High School Grade Changes to Pass / No Pass

Governor Newsom recently signed Assembly Bill 104 into law; the new legislation provides options for students and parents/guardians to address learning recovery needs. 
Opportunity to Change Letter Grades to Pass No/Pass
AB 104 permits students to replace any grade earned for any course during the 2020-21 school year with a grade of Pass/No Pass, without negatively impacting their grade point average. There is no limit on the number of grades earned by a student during the 2020-21 school year that can be changed to a Pass/No Pass.

Application now available; Due by Aug. 15
A student age 18 and older or parent/guardian of a minor student may apply for a grade from the 2020-21 school year to be changed to Pass / No Pass. The online application is linked here and is posted on your school’s website and You can either complete the application online or via the paper form; you do not need to complete both. Print applications can be dropped off at your child’s school (Monday - Friday; 9 am - 4 pm) or mailed to:

San Rafael City Schools
310 Nova Albion Way
San Rafael, CA 94903

The application must be submitted by midnight on Sunday, August 15, 2021.

The California State University system is required to accept a grade of Pass during the 2020-21 year for purposes of admitting students. The University of California system has been encouraged to accept a Pass. However, private colleges and universities are not required to accept a grade of Pass in place of a letter grade. View the CDE’s list of post-secondary institutions that WILL accept Pass/ No Pass on a transcript.

 If you have any questions about if this may be beneficial for you our your child, please reach out to your child’s school counselor or administrator, who will be available by Aug. 9. A reminder that current transcripts can be viewed in the Aeries Portal. Again, here is the link for the online grade change application, which must be submitted by Aug. 15.

Change in Graduation Requirements
Also, AB 104 exempts any student who was enrolled as a junior or senior during the 2020-21 from local graduation requirements beyond statewide requirements if they are not on track to graduate in four years. We will notify eligible students to provide information about opportunities to complete required state-mandated courses; such as a fifth year or credit recovery.

Grade Change Application

Click here for the online application to request a grade change to Pass / No Pass. The deadline to submit is midnight on Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021.

Grade change process details
  • A grade of D- or higher may be changed to a Pass.
  • A grade of F may be changed to a No Pass. A No Pass grade does not earn any credits.

  • A Pass grade will earn the number of credits designed for the course.

  • An Incomplete cannot be changed to a Pass. 

    • Incomplete grades should be addressed directly at the school through the teacher, unless you wish to have an Incomplete changed to a No Pass. 

    • If you wish to have a grade of Incomplete changed to a No Pass, please complete the grade change application. 

  • Pass/No Pass grades will not be calculated into the student’s grade point average (GPA).

  • A Pass grade will count towards fulfilling graduation requirements.

  • Once a grade has been changed to Pass/ No Pass it may not be reversed.

  • Any student or family who submits an application will receive a response within 15 days of the application being received. All requests for grade changes pursuant to AB 104 will be honored.