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Join the Club!!!

We meet in Room 12 at lunch on Thursdays. Come on by and join us!


Visual Arts

2D Art


We are going to have a fantastic year

making amazing art.

I will be helping each of you expand

on the skills you have to make

your art even better (if that's possible)

than it already is.

3D Art


I look forward to a year of art making

with you. We are going to be creating

art in many media and having fun!

KQED Movies on the Elements of Art

In class we watched some movies on the Elements of Art. In order to remember these elements we made a quick sketch of an image from each video onto the back of our Cornell Notes and labeled that sketch with the name of the Element the video focused on.


Elements of Art Videos.  

Painting Procedure Quiz

Click on the link below to take the Painting Procedure Quiz. When you have passed, tell Mr. Powell and he will certify you to use paint in the art room.


Painting Procedure Quiz

Josh Powell Locker
2/8/20 1:15 PM
9/26/18 3:31 PM
Georgia Wilson is your Agenda Cover Artist


Exploratory Wheel

Yes! You scored art. This class is rad!

We are going to have a lot of fun learning 

about how to make our art amazing.

Get Ready!!!