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Danica West

Assignment Handouts

Instruction and worksheet handouts for each current assignment listed in School Loop are attached to them as PDF forms.  All assignments will remain available after their due date to encourage submission of late work.

Student Absence Work Policy

Students who are absent are responsible for getting all missed work the first day that they return. All work is filed by date handed out in a bin at the back of the room, easily accessible.  The student needs to check the folder for the date(s) he or she was absent. All work from an absence has a three day make-up period. After three class days, it will be treated as any other late work, please see the late work policy. In addition, all work handed out is scanned and uploaded to School Loop every week so students may also download and print anything that they may have missed.

Late Work Policy for all Students

Students are encouraged to turn in any missing work. Late work does have points deducted. The only exception to this is students who were absent, please see the absence make-up policy. Late assignments will be accepted for one month only, but must be received within the quarter in which it was assigned.