- Royalton-Hartland
- Parent and Student Portals
All questions and issues with Parent and Student Portals can be directed to our Registrar's Office at 735-2000 ext. 2314 or at acercone@royhart.org
Parent Portal Login
https://parentportal.wnyric.org/royhartStudent Portal Login
https://studentportal.wnyric.org/royhart**If you need a password reset, please click here to fill in the password reset form.
Dear Student,
The Royalton-Hartland Central School District is pleased to announce that student portal access is now enabled for all middle and high school students. Students will be able to view their current gradebook, schedule, transcripts (this applies to high school students only), report cards, progress reports, attendance and assessments. This will give students the ability to know where they stand academically, at any time.
All students should go to https://studentportal.wnyric.org/royhart and use the following information to access the system:
Username: Student’s ID Number
Password: royhart54
Initial login to the system will prompt the creation of a unique and secure password. If you do not know your student ID number, please request this at the main office.
If you have any questions about the student or parent portal, please contact the one of the personnel listed below:
Elementary School: Mrs. McCarthy, 735-2000 Ext. 3054, dmccarthy@royhart.org
Middle School: Mrs. Dodge, 735-2000 Ext. 6712, rdodge@royhart.org
High School: Mrs. Cercone, 735-2000 Ext. 2314, acercone@royhart.org