Regular Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 8, 2017
Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 12, 2017
DATE: May 8, 2017
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, Room 105
MEMBERS Brad Zink, Chairperson
PRESENT: Bill Bullard, Trustee
Kari Jones, Trustee
CLERK: Han Lee
ADMIN: Melissa Schnitzmeier
STAFF: Doug Stevens arrived at 4:45, left at 5:00. Kevin Maddox arrived at 5:00, left at 5:10. Daniel Pardis arrived at 5:10, left at 5:25. Marilyn Michael arrived at 5:25. Jami Burns, Karissa Gordon, Emily Fanus, Eva Ticknor, Connie Russell, and Jennifer Painter arrived at 6:00 pm
VISITORS: Lindsay Comstock arrived at 6:00, left at 6:05, Lisa Johnson arrived at 6:00, left at 6:10, Jake and Meghan Wyman arrived at 6:00, left at 6:15, Tiffany Sott arrived at 6:00, left at 6:20. Krystle Henry arrived at 6:00 pm
Trustee, Brad Zink called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in Room 105 of the main building, Monday, May 8, 2017 at 4:00 pm. Trustee, Brad Zink welcomed all those attending. Trustee, Brad Zink read the Montana Law about public meetings.
- MINUTE APPROVAL: Kari Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 10, 2017. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
Information for Your Information:
- Summative Evaluation meetings in progress
- Technology Committee meeting was held 4/26
- 2017-2018 Purchase List attached
- GT Referrals in & testing will begin next week.
- We received a garden from Subaru of Billings and the National Wildlife Federation
- We will be awarded Silver for MBI Recognition for the 2016-2017 school year!
- Our babies hatched! We have 8 beautiful fun baby chicks that the kids are head over heels for!
- 2 Hard Drives on the server crashed resulting in an emergency order from REAP – $884
- Suggested 2017-2018 Classroom Assignment & Departmentalized Schedule
- In the Works – will be ready by June meeting
- REAP – In Progress
- GT Year End Closeout – In Progress
- It’s Teacher Appreciation Week – board usually gets the staff lunch – Han will get Melissa a check for this & the staff will decide what to do
- Subaru will be here 5/10 to construct the garden
- Volunteer Lunch 5/11
- 5/10 – K – 3 Field trip to Pacific Steel & Audubon Center – Jami asked if PTA would pay $5 for the fee to the Audubon Center – Melissa will check with PTA
- 5/18 – 4 – 6 Field trip to Big Horn County Museum
- 5/19 – AR Store
- 5/22 – Melissa to MTSBA training
- 5/23 – K – 6 Field trip – Sunset Bowling – Field day activities at school after
- 5/24 – Last Day of School/Graduation Ceremonies/BBQ
- Bus Driver resignation
- Approve proposed Technology Fund/REAP spending (proposal attached)
- Garden Donation – (YCN & Subaru will be doing PR, Melissa contacted Billings Gazette & KTVQ, but has not heard from them. Krystle Henry stated she would contact the Yellowstone Valley Women’s Magazine, Kari will contact Billings365
- Water
- Faucet installation donated by Schnitzmeier & Maddox families
- Fence – Donated by the Schnitzmeiers
- Water
- 6th Grade Skip Day – Transportation
- SAM Leadership Institute
- DEPARTMENTALIZING/SCHEDULE – Tabled as it is a work in progress and is not quite ready.
- BUDGET REVIEW – Tabled as Han is waiting for more information from OPI
- STAFF EVALUATIONS – The meeting was closed at 4:00 to do evaluations on staff. The board met with Melissa Schnitzmeier, Doug Stevens, Kevin Maddox Daniel Pardis and Marilyn Michael. The meeting reopened at 6:00 pm. Bill made a motion to approve raising Melissa Schnitzmeier’s salary from $42000 to $43000, Daniel Pardis’ salary from $12 to $12.50 and Marilyn Michael’s salary from $15.50 to $17.00 due to her new job duties, Doug Stevens and Kevin Maddoxs’ salary stays same. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- NON-RESIDENT STUDENT APPLICATION/RENEWAL – The meeting was closed at 6:00 to interview four parents with out of district students. The meeting reopened at 6:20. Kari made a motion to accept Evan Comstock, Jenna Johnson, Audrina Kuntz, and Zach Wyman as new students to Pioneer and to approve renewals for Ryder Sott, Madyson Schnitzmeier, Kara & Jace Johnson and Ryan Comstock. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- GARDEN – We won a garden from Subaru and National Wildlife Federation. It will be 16’x8’. They will bring perennials. We can also plant some vegetables, etc. We need to figure out how to water it. The spigot on the new building is too far to get good water pressure. Kevin says he can install a spigot on the old building. Melissa will donate the money to do this, Kevin will donate his labor. We need to know if we have the money to pay for watering the garden from the cistern. Kari asked if we could do a drip system that would be able to be put on a timer and would use less water. Brad asked if Subaru would help with this. Melissa said she would ask them. Kari asked if we could drill a well. Marilyn stated that since our old well was concreted shut, she doubted that the DEQ would allow us to do that. Water is $79 per load and we receive 4000 gallons in a load.
- 6TH GRADE SKIP DAY/TRANSPORTATION – Melissa checked into using a personal vehicle for the skip day. At this time 3 of the 5 students will be going. If there were an accident, etc, she was told her insurance would cover them until it is maxed out and then the school’s insurance would cover after this. Kari stated that she questions whether this is accurate or not as the school does not cover personal vehicles. Melissa was told another option was perhaps she could rent a car. She will do more checking. Bill made a motion to allow Melissa to use her personal vehicle or a rental car on the condition that this would be covered by insurance. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Melissa will do more checking and get back to the board.
- MTSBA RENEWAL – Kari moved to renew the MTSBA membership in the amount of $875.10. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- FIELD TRIP TRANSPORTATION – As Danny Brooks has resigned, we have no one available to drive the field trip to the Big Horn County Museum on May 18th. Marilyn got prices for the 3 field trips from Sarpy Transportation, however Jeanne Bullard is available for the May 10th trip & Doug Stevens is available for the May 23rd trip. The May 18th trip would cost $550. Bill moved to approve $550 to hire Sarpy Transportation for the May18th field trip. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Marilyn will contact Sarpy to let them know we would like to hire them for the May 18th field trip.
- BUS DRIVER RESIGNATION – Due to health reasons, Danny Brooks has had to resign from driving the bus. Jeanne Bullard is available to drive the AM routes on Monday through Wednesday. She is not available Thursdays & Fridays. She is available to drive the PM routes except for Thursday, May 18th and Friday, May 19th. Marilyn checked with someone she knows with a bus license but he is not available. Jami also checked with someone she knows but he is not available either. Marilyn said there is a slight chance First Student could loan us a driver but we would not know until the end of the week. She asked if the board wanted her to contact Sarpy Transportation to see if they could help us out. If not, what should we do? Marilyn said if either of these were able to loan us a driver, she would ride with them for these two days to help with students and the routes. The board decided if neither of these are available, we will have to let the parents of those that ride know that the afternoon route is cancelled and that they will have to pick up their children at the school.
- LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE IN HELENA – Melissa would like to attend a leadership conference in Helena July 31 – August 2nd. Bill made a motion to allow Melissa to attend the leadership conference in Helena. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- CANVASS THE VOTE – We have 586 voters in our district. 130 voted for our mill levy, 165 voted against the levy so it failed. Kari moved to accept the results of the election. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- VACANCY OF A TRUSTEE POSITION – Before this meeting, no one had submitted interest in being on the school board. A letter was received today from Sarah O’Brien that she was interested in being on the school board. Han stated that this can be placed under Old Business on the June agenda and she could be sworn in during Old Business. She would then available to participate in the entire June meeting.
- BOARD REORGANIZATION/APPOINTMENT OF CLERK – Brad Zink was thanked for his service on the Pioneer School board. Kari nominated Bill to be board chair. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Bill moved to appoint Marilyn Michael to the position of clerk for the 2017-2018 school year. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
The clerk presented claims warrants numbered 20800 through 20821 in the amount of $5,608.27, and the payroll warrants numbered 8937 through 8943 in the amount of $40,327.36. The ACH and Direct deposits were included in the amount. The clerk presented the trial balance sheets for each fund and a monthly report stating each line item YTD and budget balance remaining for the each fund. After review of the report, Kari Jones moved to approve the financial reports. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
MAIL: The following items were read.
- A thanks card from Marilyn regarding a gift card
- A newsletter from MDT
A motion was made by Kari Jones to adjourn the meeting. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:10 pm. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, June 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the main building.