School Board Meeting Minutes Banner

May 20th 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

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Pioneer Elementary School

1937 Dover Road

Billings, MT   59105 Telephone (406)-373-5357

Mission Statement:  Our mission is to serve the community and the school by creating a safe environment that fosters Respect, Trust, Accountability, and Responsibility while promoting life-long learning for all.


Regular Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 20, 2019

Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 6, 2019


DATE: May 20, 2019


TIME: 4:30 p.m.


PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, Room 106


MEMBERS Bill Bullard, Chairperson

PRESENT: Kari Jones, Trustee

Sarah O’Brien, Trustee

Luke Rome, Trustee



CLERK: Marilyn Michael


ADMIN: Melissa Schnitzmeier

STAFF: Jami Burns arrived at 4:30 pm, left at 5:15 pm  


VISITORS: Krystle Henry arrived at 4:30 pm, left at 6:05 pm

GUESTS:   None





Trustee, Kari Jones called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in Room 106 of the main building, Monday, May 20, 2019 at 4:30 pm.  Trustee, Kari Jones welcomed all those attending. Trustee, Kari Jones read the Montana Law about public meetings.


  1.  MINUTE APPROVAL:  Sarah O’Brien made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 1, 2019 and the Special Meeting minutes of April 15, May 6 and May, 2019.  Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.  









  • Curriculum & Instruction
    • Classified & Certified Staff Evaluations – Complete
    • NWEA MAPS – Spring Assessment Cycle – Complete (See Attached) Melissa explained that Pioneer School’s scores are improving greatly.
    • SPED Audit – Connie is working with Co-op to Complete
    • 2019-2021 Strategic Plan – Updating /Revising – Underway – Due at June meeting
    • 2019-2020 Teacher Classroom Schedule Underway
    • 2019-2020 Kindergarten Non-Resident Student Enrollment Freeze – Recommendation July (Earliest) or August (latest) 2019 Board Meeting
  • Staffing
    • Ms. Richelle Hertel accepted the Kindergarten teaching position
    • Mr. Dylan McDermott submitted resignation 5/10/19
      • 2-8 Departmentalized – Math, PE/Health – Open
    • Recommendation for 1 .75 FTE Instructional Aide
    • Recommendation for 1 Full-Time FTE SPED Instructional Aide – Paid from Tuition fund
  • Reports/Grants
    • Gifted/Talented Intent to Apply – Complete
    • Title I – Not open yet
  • Building/Grounds Maintenance
    • Facilities Report – Kevin compiling – Due June 30th
    • Pierce Mobile Classroom – Here 5/28 for Viewing
  • Activities Related to Goals
    • We celebrated our secretary/clerk, Marilyn Michael 4/22 – 4/26
    • We celebrated our teachers – 5/6 – 5/10
    • Muffins for Moms 5/10
    • Donuts for Dads – Upcoming 5/23


  1. BUILDING MAINTENANCE – (Tree Trimming Bid) – Melissa received a bid from Laird Tree Service for trimming the back tree and grinding the stumps in the front. The bid is $1300 total ($450 for one stump, $400 for the other stump and $450 to prune the ash tree in the back). Kari made a motion to accept Laird Tree Services bid to prune the back tree and grind the 2 stumps in the front. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  2. SAFETY ENHANCEMENTS – Sarah stated that we still need to put in the extra railing going to the boiler room as ordered by the DOLI inspection. Bill said he would still bring the welder over if Kevin could get the materials needed to install this. Marilyn will contact Kevin to see if he has any thoughts on this.
  3. ROOF AND WATER DAMAGE – Andy contacted Melissa to see if the school would like to upgrade to drywall ceilings. This would add $4671.60 to the original bid. The board asked Melissa to clarify with Andy what this would add, as there is ceiling tiles on the bid already and they need to know if this would be in addition to the price listed or if the price of those ceiling tiles would be removed and the drywall added. Melissa will contact Andy to clarify.
  4. TEACHER NEGOTIATIONS – Jami and Melissa worked out the wording to the Work Hours and Prep Time sections of the contract. The wording was submitted to the board for approval. The Work Hours section will state “The basic duty day for full time teachers will be eight (8) hours per day, inclusive of a thirty (30) minute, duty free lunch.  The basic duty day for all teachers will begin at 7:45 a.m. and end at 3:45 pm Monday – Thursday and begin at 7:45 am ending at 3:00 pm on Fridays. Faculty meetings shall take place on Wednesday afternoons from 2:45 – 3:45 pm. One Wednesday a month as determined by the administrator (10 times throughout the school year) in addition to the Wednesday before a grading period ends (3 times throughout the school year) shall be designated as preparation time for teachers. Wednesday afternoons designated by the administrator as preparation periods will run from 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm.”  The Prep Time section will read “Full time Teachers will be provided no less than one hundred eighty (180) minutes in a normal week (at least one 30 minute block/day) of preparation time (recess not included) scheduled while students are on campus.  All teachers shall have a duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) minutes.” Sarah made a motion to accept the wording for the Working Hours and Prep Time Sections of the contract.  Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. The contract will now be ready to give to the certified staff.



  1. TEACHER RESIGNATION – Dylan McDermott submitted his resignation letter to Melissa Schnitzmeier on May 10th. Sarah made a motion to accept Dylan McDermott’s resignation. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. The job has been posted to OPI website.
  2. NON-RESIDENT STUDENT RENEWALS – Letters were received from the parents of Witten Murray, Annabelle Wilmot, Evan and Ryan Comstock, Zachary Wyman, Josie Anderson, Audrina and Ryder Kuntz, Madyson Schnitzmeier and Haven Coulter, and Dylan and Olivia Krieger requesting their children be allowed to remain at Pioneer School for the 2019-2020 school year.  Sarah made a motion to readmit these students for the 2019- 2020 school year. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Luke asked what the formula would look like if the board chose to charge tuition. Melissa said she will check into and bring the information to the next meeting.
  3. CLASSIFIED STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS/SALARY RECOMMENDATIONS – Melissa recommended rehiring Kaylyn Ivey at her current salary of $12, Kevin Maddox at his current salary of $22.50, Cynthia Reed at an increase to $45.25 per am and pm route and $15 for other duties such as field trips, fueling, etc. and Marilyn Michael at $18. Marilyn stated that her salary had not been discussed with her at any time. The board asked Marilyn what salary she felt would be fair. She stated she would like to receive $18.50. Melissa was not sure if this would work into the budget.  She had considered $18.20. Marilyn stated she would accept $18.25 and full insurance benefits equal to certified staff as she is now full time and for the 2018-19 year was receiving 80% of certified staff. Sarah made a motion to raise Marilyn’s salary to $18.25 and full insurance benefits equal to certified staff. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Sarah made a motion to approve contracts for Kaylyn Ivey at $12 per hour, Kevin Maddox at $22.50 per hour, and Cynthia Reed at $45.25 per am and pm route and $15 for other duties. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  4. CERTIFIED STAFF RECOMMENDATION – Melissa recommend offering contracts to Connie Russell, Jami Burns, Alisa Rau and Leah Wright.  Sarah made motion to offer contracts to Connie Russell, Jami Burns, Alisa Rau and Leah Wright. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  5. ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT/SALARY NEGOTIATIONS – Melissa explained that she would like to postpone her salary negotiations until it is determined if we can do a budget amendment. If a budget amendment is done she would like to renegotiate her salary, if we are unable to do a budget amendment, she will agree to remain at $43,000. Sarah would like to see the list of duties of the Superintendent/Principal reviewed to determine what the board should be doing and what the Superintendent/Principal should be doing.  Kari made a motion to approve Melissa’s contract with the addition of “salary to be negotiated by the November meeting”. Sarah seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  6. SCHOOL NURSE CONTRACT 19-20 – A contract for the 2019-2020 school year was received from Riverstone Health in the amount of $4869.00 for 7 hours per month of services.  Kari made a motion to accept the Riverstone Health contract in the amount of $4869 for 7 hours per month of services. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  7. SPRING TRANSPORTATION CLAIMS – Marilyn presented the spring transportation reimbursement claims. We will pay the $161 to Victoria Lee for the individual contract reimbursement and will received $5894.78 in bus route reimbursement claims. Kari made a motion to accept the transportation reimbursement claims.  Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  8. NEW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PLACEMENT – Melissa asked the board where they felt the best placement for the new playground equipment that we are getting from the Arrow Striping donation. After some discussion, it was determined that the best placement would be next to the green spiral slide.
  9. DEQ LEAD AND COPPER TESTING LETTER – Pioneer received a letter from the DEQ stating that we are now on a 3 year rotation for our Lead and Copper testing. We had been on a yearly requirement. The letter states that our previous 2 years samples have been below the 90th percentile which moves us to the 3 year rotation.
  10. PERMISSIVE & VOTED LEVY DISCUSSION – Discussion took place as to our mill levy vote and permissive levies. The levy vote was very close this year, losing by 5 votes. Many ideas were discussed on how to get the word out about the positive things we have going at Pioneer School. The permissive levies will raise our tax payers tax bills, however due to situations that are required to be addressed, money will be added to the tuition fund to help pay for required special education services for students in our district.
  11. ADMINISTRATOR PERSONAL ISSUE (CLOSED SESSION) – The meeting was closed at 6:35 to discuss a personal of Superintendent Melissa Schnitzmeier.  The meeting reopened at 6:45.
  12. CANVASS THE VOTE – Marilyn presented the results of the mill levy election.  The levy failed with a vote of 216 for and 211 against. Luke Rome was elected by acclamation.  Kari made a motion to accept the results of the election. Sarah seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
  13. BOARD REORGANIZATION/APPOINTMENT OF CLERK – Marilyn administered the oath of office to Luke Rome.  Sarah nominated Kari Jones as chair. Luke seconded the nomination.  The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Luke moved to appoint Marilyn Michael as clerk for 2019-20.  Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. Kari administered the oath of office to Marilyn.  All required documents were signed and Marilyn will turn them in to Sherry Long for her signature.



The clerk presented claims warrants numbered 21281 through 21295 in the amount of $4,974.17, and the payroll warrants numbered 9016 through 9019 in the amount of $39,995.60.  The ACH and Direct deposits were included in the amount. The clerk presented the trial balance sheets for each fund and a monthly report stating each line item YTD and budget balance remaining for the each fund.  After review of the report, Luke Rome moved to approve the financial reports. Kari Jones seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.




  1. Weekly agendas for April 8 through May 24
  2. May newsletter
  3. MSGIA policy renewal



    1. Building use request for May 18th was put on hold due to bad weather. They plan to reschedule to sometime in June or July.
    2. Marilyn asked the board what date would work best for the next meeting as she will be at the Annual Summer MASBO convention in Great Falls. Melissa stated June 6th would work for her. The board members agreed this date would work for them also.



A motion was made by Sarah O’Brien to adjourn the meeting. Luke Rome seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 6:55 pm. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, June 6, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the main building.




Attest: __________________________     SIGNED: ____________________________

          Kari Jones, Board Chairperson

DATE: _________________________