Pionner School Closure Plans

COVID-19 Update

March 14, 2020

Dear Panther Families, 

In response to the rapidly changing dynamics of the COVID-19 virus, we are reaching out to our Panther families to once again update you on how we are combating this threat.

There is a possibility that school could be closed for a period of time in the future. This will most likely come at the direction of Governor Bullock. Pioneer School may cancel locally if the situation is recommended or required by the Yellowstone County Health Department. Please start thinking about what the plan may be for your family if Pioneer should close for a period of time. Daycares will be impacted as well, and pre-planning may help to lessen some of the stress associated with a school closure. 

Our campus is in consistent communication with our County Health Department, in addition to neighboring school districts to ensure we make informed decisions based on the most current information that we have regarding this rapidly evolving virus. All decisions and conversations regarding this situation are being done in a rational, proactive manner. 

On Monday, March 16th the school will be closed in order to allow our staff time to prepare for a potential closure mandate. As educators, it is our duty to continue to educate during a school closure to the very best of our ability. If communication from the state or health department develops over the next few days, and we do need to close the school, it could happen very quickly and we want to ensure our teachers are prepared for this. 

School will resume as normal on Tuesday, March 17th with the following precautions put in place as recommended by the state and area administrators : 

  • All off-campus field trips will be canceled and rescheduled where possible.
  • Indoor events that are open to the public, inclusive of the Science Fair, will be canceled and rescheduled where possible.
  • All volunteer presence is suspended. Wednesday Hot Lunch and Pizza Fridays will be canceled until further notice. Students should bring their sack lunch on these days.
  • All in-district PIR and professional development training suspended.
  • IEP meetings will be rescheduled for a later time or conducted via phone or telephone conference. 
  • The Board Meeting will take place on Monday, March 23rd at 4:30 pm. 

If parents or guardians have concerns about the health of their student(s) please contact the office so a plan can be made to help keep the educational plan operating for your student. Attendance expectations would be adjusted to help take the stress away. 

If you have concerns about your student or family, we encourage all families to respond by utilizing your primary care physician. We encourage families to keep students who are ill at home for 24 hours, or more if needed. 

We will continue to remain in contact with our county health department, and monitor the CDC and Montana Task Force information. For more information please consult this updated link: https://dphhs.mt.gov/publichealth/cdepi/diseases/coronavirusmt



Melissa Schnitzmeier

Principal/Superintendent, Pioneer Elementary

Phone: (406) 373-5357

Email: [email protected]