Covid 19 Update Grading

COVID-19 UPDATE: Grading

May 18, 2020

Dear Panther Families, 

At the May 11th meeting of the board, the Pioneer School Board voted to amend the grading policy for the current semester. This policy was approved in response to the effects of COVID-19 on the educational practices of our district. 

While our teachers have been working diligently to provide the very best standards based lessons possible, we know that some students have struggled without the direct guidance of teachers. We appreciate the work that students and parents have put forth and are very grateful for all they have done. 

Students who earn a 78% or higher will receive a grade of “P” for pass. A grade of incomplete or “I” will be issued for any grade 77% or below. 

Students who struggled through this digital process, and/or are at risk of falling behind will be recommended for a 6-week summer instructional program that will take place on campus, face to face, with one of our teachers. A letter will be sent home to these students outlining the program’s scheduling. This is a wonderful opportunity to bridge the gap that may have occurred during COVID-19 shutdown and I encourage families to take advantage of this opportunity. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 



Melissa Schnitzmeier

Principal/Superintendent, Pioneer Elementary

Phone: (406) 373-5357

Email: [email protected]