Pioneer School Closure Plans


March 18, 2020

Dear Panther Families, 

I want to share our plans for the next couple of weeks while schools are closed to students. We are moving forward with the expectation that the closure mandate may potentially last more than two weeks. Should this prove untrue, the plan outlined below will be canceled and we will return to school as normal on Tuesday, March 31st. However, should the closure indeed last longer, the following educational plan is in place:

Staff will be on campus and working from home this week and next, developing lessons that can be delivered remotely for grades 2-8 and learning packets with digital access for grades K-1. A text was sent out to each family yesterday morning asking questions regarding your student’s access to the internet at home, and whether your student(s) will need to check out a Chromebook or iPad for use during the closure. Those who responded will get a text later today with a date and time that you may stop and check out a device for your child. If your family does not have access to the internet, please contact the school and we will send you the resources needed to ensure your student’s success. 

Google Classroom can be accessed via any internet browser on a computer, laptop, or Chromebook device. Students can also access Google Classroom on an iOS device with the Google Classroom app. I have created a SMORE page similar to our monthly digital newsletter, that will allow you and your student access to important links and directions for virtual learning, all in one place. A text will be sent out later this week with information on learning packet pickup dates/times and with the link to this page. 

As we move forward in this uncharted territory, I ask that you give grace to your students and our teachers as they work to navigate this new digital platform. Our teachers too are learning their way through this new process and are working diligently to ensure your students’ continued education and success during this difficult time. 


Melissa Schnitzmeier

Principal/Superintendent, Pioneer Elementary

Phone: (406) 373-5357