Regular Meeting Minutes … September 14, 2015
Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 12, 2015
DATE: September 14, 2015
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, Room 105
MEMBERS Christina Olstad, Chairperson
PRESENT: Brad Zink, Trustee
ABSENT: Brandon Roth, Trustee
CLERK: Han Lee (absent), Marilyn Michael filling in for Han
STAFF: Theresa Nalewaja, Eva Ticknor, Ike Wallace, Connie Russell, and Marilyn Michael arrived at 6:00 pm
VISITORS: Skelly Adkins, Russ Curry, Kathleen Armstrong and Kim McRae arrived at 6:00 pm. Russ Curry, Kathleen Armstrong and Kim McRae left at 6:12 pm
Trustee, Christina Olstad called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in the Room 105 of the main building, Monday, September 14, 2015 at 6:00 pm. Trustee, Christina Olstad welcomed all those attending. Trustee, Christina Olstad read the Montana Law about public meetings.
- MINUTE APPROVAL: Brad Zink made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 2015. Christina Olstad seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- HEARING OF THE PUBLIC: Russ Curry from the Shepherd School Board and Kathleen Armstrong with Spectrum Group Architect were in attendance and spoke about the upcoming Shepherd building levy that will be going to the voters in October. Ballots will be due by November 2. They explained the need for the upgrades and expansions to the Shepherd School buildings and invited everyone to a town hall meeting on October 1st at 6:30 to hear about the levy and be able to ask questions. They also passed out information to anyone present showing designs and giving information about the levy. They will also drop off flyers that we can send home with our students to inform voters about the mill levy and why it is needed.
- K, 1 & 2 would like permission to schedule a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch outside of Laurel in October. They would need one bus driver. The board approved the field trip, but wanted field trips to be discussed at the next staff meeting. They want all staff members to remember that students should not be going to a restroom on a field trip alone, they should always be accompanied by an adult. Also, to remember that the students should be expected to act appropriately at all times on the field trips and that if they don’t, they should be removed by a staff member and taken to the bus until the rest of the group is ready to leave. It was also discussed the at the Pumpkin Patch, students are not to be allowed to go through a corn maze alone, they should always be accompanied by a staff member or chaperone. Teachers are to be reminded to choose chaperones carefully and to be sure to have plenty of them especially on field trips like the Pumpkin Patch where more attention is needed. PTA will most likely be paying for this field trip. If they do not agree to pay, then the classes cannot go.
- Eva would like to attend a conference on Close Reading Strategies. She feels this would be very beneficial to her and the school. There are two grade levels available at the conference and other staff members have expressed interest in attending also. Our curriculum recommends we use Close Reading every week in our reading instruction and she would like to become stronger and more prepared with strategies. The cost is $239 and if that is too high, she would be willing to pay half. After some discussion regarding payment of this type of conference, Brad made a motion to allow Eva and Theresa to attend the Close Reading Conference on November 16 with the school paying for half and the teachers paying half. Christina seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried. The board recommended that they try to get their subs right away as our sub list is so small.
- Eva would like to take her students to the NILE. This is an annual trip for 4th grade, but since she has a combo class, both will attend. The dates are October 12, 13 or 14. Eva has not heard back which day they will go. She will need 1 bus driver.
- Connie would like to purchase 5- 6 more iPads to alleviate the bottleneck with our classes sharing iPads. Due to staff members needing their own, we are short for students. Some staff members use their personal iPads, also. Connie spoke to Han who said there would be enough money in the Title fund and if a little more is needed, we could use REAP money. Brad made a motion to purchase 6 iPads and 6 covers from the Title fund and possibly the REAP fund. Christina seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
Upcoming events:
September 22nd – Nurse Karen will be doing handwashing classes
September 30th – Connie will be attending the TEAMS workshop at the Billings School District offices all day.
- MBI – Eva reported we have started our Epic Weekly Goals – Our first one was to try to give at least one PAW card every day. The second one is to try to turn one don’t/no into a positively stated expectation.
- PAVEMENT REPAIR/RAIN GUTTER – No other bids have been received. Brad will try to contact someone to get pavement bids and have Brandon contact people for rain gutter bids.
- HIRE ADMINISTRATOR – There has been no forward progress on this. The board will have Han contact Sherry Long, County Superintendent of Schools for someone to provide evaluations.
- TEACHER RESIGNATION/HIRE A NEW TEACHER – Amber Hedrick resigned her position the day before school started. The board interviewed and hired Ike Wallace who is now in place and teaching.
- TEACHER SCHEDULE REPORT REVIEW – The board reviewed copies of the teachers’ schedules. Brad questioned why 5th/6th gets recess and snack times. Connie explained that they only get the morning recess plus whatever time they do not use to eat their lunch. She further explained that without snack time, some students would be very hungry as they do not eat a proper breakfast and this would make their work suffer. The morning recess is used as a small break for the teachers, plus gives time for making copies, etc. Ike explained that he has used this time to help students catch up on work when necessary also. Connie is going into Eva’s room in the mornings to help with reading and this is working very well. She will work with Title students in the afternoons. Ike explained that he is getting ready to do testing for students referred to GT. He will do all of the students as one GT group on Tuesday and Thursday. If all students referred qualify his group would be 7 – 9 students. He will try to do something with one class per week on Monday or Wednesdays from 2:15 – 3:15. The other day will be his prep time. Ike is interested in getting certified for archery so the students can participate in this. Brad told Ike that there is a tournament at Skyview in March, so it would be good if he could do archery before then. Skelly Adkins let him know that she has also done archery for 4-H.
- PRESCHOOL STUDENT ATTENDING HP – A preschool student living in our district is attending the preschool program in Huntley. Transportation was needed to get this student from their home on McGirl Road to Huntley’s preschool Monday through Thursday. Kim Palmieri is a person the mother knows and trusts, so he has been transporting the student. Brad made a motion to allow Kim Palmieri to continue to transport this student 4 days per week at a rate of $35 per day for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Christina seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
The clerk presented claims warrants numbered 20359 through 20377 in the amount of $5,806.50, and the payroll warrants numbered 8831 through 8837 in the amount of $37,926.01. The ACH and Direct deposits were included in the amount. The clerk presented the trial balance sheets for each fund and a monthly report stating each line item YTD and budget balance remaining for the each fund. After review of the report, Brad Zink moved to approve the financial reports. Christina Olstad seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- Newsletter from Pipeline Association
- Skelly Adkins was in attendance to report that she has gone over surveys that were sent to parents from PTA. Their 3 top concerns for the school are safety and security, academic success and effective parent/teacher communication. She also reported that the garage sale made $816. Some parents wondered if the money could go to the maintenance fund. The board stated that there are many projects that would be on the list to get done including some old wood on the old building could be replaced, the lawn mower may need replacing, new heaters in some classrooms, new windows. The board will visit with Kevin Maddox to see what he thinks and ask Han about how best to handle any donations. The question came up whether it would be better to donate to PTA or to the school directly.
- Marilyn informed the board that some older students noticed a gas smell by the MDU meter. Marilyn immediately called MDU and they came out very quickly. He explained that there was a small hole in a seal at the vent on the meter, but it was not serious. Marilyn gave the girls a PAW card for their responsible behavior in reporting the smell.
A motion was made by Brad Zink to adjourn the meeting. Christina Olstad seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:10 pm. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, October 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the main building