Special Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15, 2016
Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 12, 2016
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, Room 105
MEMBERS Brad Zink, Trustee
PRESENT: Kari Jones, Trustee
Bill Bullard, Trustee
CLERK: Han Boon Lee
STAFF: Marilyn Michael and Melissa Schnitzmeier arrived at 9:00 am.
VISITORS: Roberta Williams arrived at 9:20, left at 9:35, Ellie Tremblay arrived at 9:30, left at 9:40, Jessica Mills arrived at 9:30, left at 9:45.
Trustee, Brad Zink called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in the Room 105 of the main building, Monday, August 15 2016 at 9:00 am. Trustee, Brad Zink welcomed all those attending. Trustee, Brad Zink read the Montana Law about public meetings.
- MINUTE APPROVAL: Tabled to September 12, 2016 meeting.
- SCHOOL WEBSITE – Melissa told the board that Connie had forwarded all of the website information to Miranda Gilbert that was given to Pat Witmer. She felt she still needed more information, but Connie and Melissa were not sure what else she needed. Pat Witmer is ready to start, he will also make it tablet and phone friendly. He will then train staff to post things in order to save money. Bill made a motion to hire Pat Witmer to work on our website. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- FINAL DECISION ON TEACHERS’ SCHEDULES – The teachers’ schedules were discussed. Bill made a motion to approve the master teachers’ schedule for the last time with any other details being handled by Melissa and the staff. Kari seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- MBI Stipend – Eva created an electronic survey asking staff their vote on whether the MBI Stipend should be split among all staff or those that attend the MBI Summer Institute. The results of the survey were that most want those going to the Summer Institute to receive the stipend. Kari moved to divide the MBI stipend money among staff members attending the MBI Summer Institute. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- JANITOR POSITION INTERVIEW – After interviewing for the janitor position, Kari made a motion to hire Brandi Butler to the position. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- NON-RESIDENT STUDENT APPLICATIONS – The meeting was closed at 9:20 to interview non-resident applicants. The meeting reopened at 9:45. Kari made a motion to accept John Williams, Mason Kimble and Ayden Mills as non-resident students. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- PRIOR TO START OF ADMINISTRATOR EVALUATIONS – Kari contacted MTSBA regarding administrator evaluations. They gave her some evaluations for the board to use for an administrator to set goals and quarterly evaluations. They do not recommend allowing other staff to evaluate administrators as it has led to a lot of problems in other schools. The following items were discussed:
- Melissa was asked what her goals were for the beginning of the year. She stated that she feels repairing the work atmosphere through open communication individually and through staff meetings was at the top of her list.
- Brad stated that in the past some things had been decided but nothing was ever implemented. Melissa stated she would work to implement anything that needs to be put in place.
- Brad stated that in the past lesson plans were sent to board members on Thursday or Friday. Melissa explained she would like the lesson plans available in each classroom with the page number and objectives so she or a sub could see what would be going on in the classroom. Teachers will be told to send their lesson plans to Melissa Thursday or Friday plus Melissa will forward them to the board also.
- Brad asked what she would do to help the other teachers visit other classrooms. Melissa stated that she would start a schedule to allow teachers to visit other classrooms and she will take over the classroom and teach a lesson, plus Brad would like teachers to be able to go visit another school. Melissa agreed and asked if we would be allowed to hire a sub for half day to let this happen. The board was ok with this.
- Melissa explained that the board will need to add a line in the master contract adding the administrator as the clear line of contact before contacting the board with a grievance. Brad will contact Jami, as the union rep to add this to the contract.
- Melissa also explained that she would like to use Open House to teach parents about MBI and that refocuses are used as a way to teach the students how to make better decisions. She also explained that the school invites the community to events which can help with our school.
- Melissa will create a flow chart for office referrals explaining what should be done in the classrooms first, then if need be, Melissa will help. She will get this to all staff members.
- Melissa also will help to implement all of the classes having the same report card. In the past, the classes were all using different ones which may lead to confusion for parents.
- Brad reminded Melissa not to try to take on too much too fast, do a little at a time and work on relationship building.
After this discussion, Kari made a motion to use the MTSBA evaluation forms to set goals and do quarterly evaluations of the administrator. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
A motion was made by Bill Bullard to adjourn the meeting. Kari Jones seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 10:15 am. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Room 105 of the main building.