Regular Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 12, 2016
Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 10, 2016
DATE: September 12, 2016
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, Room 105
PRESENT: Bill Bullard, Trustee
Kari Jones, Trustee
ABSENT: Brad Zink
CLERK: Han Lee
STAFF: Melissa Schnitzmeier, Jami Burns, and Marilyn Michael arrived at 6:00 pm
VISITORS: Jody Goddard, Skelly Adkins and Tara Kelsey arrived at 6:00 pm. Tara Kelsey left at 6:15 pm
Trustee, Bill Bullard called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in the Room 105 of the main building, Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Trustee, Bill Bullard welcomed all those attending. Trustee, Bill Bullard read the Montana Law about public meetings.
- MINUTE APPROVAL: Kari Jones made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 2016 and special meeting minutes of August 15, 2016. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- Open House – MBI presentation by Eva and Ike was a success. It was announced that PTA is working to get some new playground equipment donated.
- MBI Team Roles have been assigned. Eva will stay as the facilitator, Karissa will be our progress leader, Emily is working to be trained as our new note taker and Melissa will be taking care of our data.
- Bus cameras are up and running. They are awesome. Danny has reported a substantial change in behavior (positive!) One of the cameras on the small bus is not functioning so a new one has been ordered and it will be replaced. Melissa explained that we have a 32g card that she can download any portion needed, it then loops around and tapes over previous videos. Bill asked how long we would keep the videos that have been downloaded. Han will check with MTSBA to see if they have an answer.
- New Processes: Bus Duty – Melissa explained that 4th – 6th graders will be allowed to apply for the back seats of the bus. With this privilege, they will be expected to clean the bus from 3:00 – 3:15 and be there to help students in an emergency. Another New Process is that there will be Positive Office Referrals that will be handed out to students for PAWSitive twist on a visit to the principal.
- The measurements have been taken for the new playground equipment. We are in the process of picking out the unit. PTA will assist in obtaining volunteers to put it together and fund any extra things needed for that.
- MSU B has put a notice out to all students about our need for substitute teachers.
- Custodian – Brandi has started and the school has been spotless!
- Classroom Observations – (Informal and Formal) begin within the next week
- Website is up and running – (Skelly asked that Pat’s information be sent to PTA so they can send him updates.
- Punt, Pass & Kick – Tentatively scheduled for 9/22 & 9/23 if necessary
- Presidential Fitness – set for 9/29/16
- The discipline report is complete.
- Title Grant – Connie will be training Melissa on this throughout next week, Melissa will then attend a TEAMS report training where this will be completed.
- ACE Consortium, September 19, 2016 – All teachers are registered for this conference. It’s focus is on curriculum mapping, unit design, assessment development, instructional strategies, and standards based grading
- CPR Recertification training is scheduled for 9/24/16 at 8:00 am at the school
- MBI Booster Session – September 26, 2016 – Emily & Karissa registered to go
- Literacy Conference – October 20 – 21 – Emily is registered to go, all other staff attended summer conferences
- K – 3 would like to go to J & K Farm on 10/18/16 at 10:00 am (PTA will pay $5 per student)
- Alberta Bair Theater trips have been scheduled (PTA pays for these trips)
- K – 3 1/9/17 @ 9:30 am
- 4 – 6 10/31/16 @ 9:30 am
- Jami would like to try to get the drug dog for an assembly as it has been a couple years since we have had one here. She will try to schedule it during Drug Free Schools week. Bill asked to make sure we do not have any kids with allergies first.
- Non-resident Student Application – The meeting was closed at 6:10 to interview a parent of a nonresident student. The meeting reopened at 6:15. Kari made a motion to accept Deacon Kelsey as a non-resident student in the kindergarten class. Bill seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- Asbestos Designator – Mike Roberts was formerly our asbestos designator. Han and Kevin Maddox met the asbestos inspector at the school for the 3 year inspection. She will get Kevin the information needed for him to become the asbestos designator.
- Counselor Service – Melissa reported that Cayenne is coming every Friday to work with 2 students. The students’ Medicaid is being billed for these visits. There could be a possibility of her working with other students if their insurance or Medicaid could be billed for the services. We could also use her if we wanted her to give us some training to help with student behaviors. Jami stated that we should be careful of offering pull-out counseling because in the past we have been told that if you offer it to some, you may have to offer it to anyone. Bill suggested that it may need to be staff recommended. Melissa will contact MTSBA to see if they have any suggestions as to if and how this service could be offered to other students.
The clerk presented claims warrants numbered 20652 through 20668 in the amount of $4,990.45, and the payroll warrants numbered 8895 through 8897 in the amount of $43,336.30. The ACH and Direct deposits were included in the amount. The clerk presented the trial balance sheets for each fund and a monthly report stating each line item YTD and budget balance remaining for the each fund. After review of the report, Kari Jones moved to approve the financial reports. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
MAIL: The following item was read.
- MTSBA Back-to-School Legal Primer registered for Kari. Bill asked Han to register him too.
- PTA reported that the survey they did on the hot lunches came back with 17 people saying they would use the SchoolHouseFare if offered. This is borderline on the amount needed. We would need 20 orders every day to use this service. More people were interested in having a hot lunch every week and there were 3 people that said they would be interested in helping cook them. Kari said she spoke to other schools that have used SchoolHouseFare and they were very pleased with the service. Skelly is also going to check with Sodexo and Jami is going to check with RaRa’s and Blues BBQ to see if they would be able to offer a lunch for $3 – $5. Bill suggested this be placed on the next agenda.
A motion was made by Kari Jones to adjourn the meeting. Bill Bullard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 6:50 pm. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, October 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the main building.