Regular Meeting Minutes … June 8, 2015
Presented for Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 10, 2015
DATE: June 8, 2015
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: Pioneer School, Main Building, 4th grade Class Room
MEMBERS Christina Olstad, Trustee
PRESENT: Brad Zink, Trustee
Brandon Roth, Trustee
CLERK: Han Boon Lee
STAFF: Theresa Nalewaja, Eva Ticknor, Melissa Schnitzmeier, Marilyn Michael and Amber Hedrick, Jami Burns arrived at 6:00 pm. Jami Burns left at 6:45
VISITORS: Kevin & Skelly Adkins, Justin & Darcy Ostermiller, Janet Martin, Alyssa Krieger, Jamie Denson, Ashlie Tate, Tammie Baker arrived at 6:00 pm. Lisa & Katie Doney arrived at 6:35 pm. Jamie Denson left at 6:25, Justin & Darcy Ostermiller, Janet Martin, Alyssa Krieger, Lisa & Katie Doney left at 6:45, Ashlie Tate & Tammie Baker left at 6:55, Skelly & Kevin Adkins left at 7:20,
GUESTS: Karen Graf, School Nurse arrived at 6:00 pm
Chairperson, Christina Olstad called the meeting of the trustees of Pioneer Elementary School District #41 to order in the Room 105 of the main building, Monday, June 8, 2014 at 6:08 pm. Chairperson, Christina Olstad welcomed all those attending. Chairperson, Christina Olstad read the Montana Law about public meetings.
- MINUTE APPROVAL: Brad Zink made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 11, 2015. Brandon Roth seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- HEARING OF THE PUBLIC: Before allowing audience members to speak, Christina reminded them of the time limit of 3 minutes and the rules regarding not speaking about any staff member or student. Skelly and Kevin Adkins, Amber Hedrick, Justin & Darcy Ostermiller, Janet Martin Alyssa Krieger each voiced their opinions about the reassignment of teachers. They also presented their written statements to the board along with 2 other letters from parents that were not in attendance. The board thanked them for their attendance and comments. No action was taken.
- MBI Summer Institute is June 15 – 19. Eva, Melissa, Christina, Theresa and Brandon will be attending. There are 3 rooms reserved.
- Technology Conference is August 3 – 5 – all teachers are attending. Melissa will check to make sure Connie has registered everyone.
- Summer Library Days are June 2 & 23, July 2, 14 and 23 and August 11 from 12 – 5.
- Connie has submitted the CRDC report and the Discipline report
- Earth First Aide – Melissa and Eva with their students toured the Earth First Aide recycling center. They would like to start a recycling program at the school. There is a $35 startup fee, plus a monthly fee. He doesn’t normally come out to this area, but they are checking to see if he would. Some parents in attendance said they use Republic Services and they do not make you separate the recyclables and they only have a $12 monthly fee. Melissa will do more checking on prices, etc.
- MBI – Melissa informed the board that they are still waiting for MTSBA to approve the changes to the MBI portion of the handbook. The application for recognition at the MBI conference has been submitted.
- HIRE STAFF (Teacher & Administrator) – The board reported that they have hired Karissa Gordon. They have not received any applications for the administrator position, but it has been reposted.
- NON-RESIDENT STUDENT APPLICATIONS – The meeting was closed at 6:20 to meet with non-resident parents applying for their children to attend Pioneer School. The meeting was reopened at 7:00. At this time Brad made a motion to accept Ayden Denson to the Kindergarten class and Jamie Rindahl to the 4th grade class. He further moved to not accept Lane and Justen Baker and Brooke Tate due to class sizes and to allow Hannah Rodda and Addison Combs to remain at Pioneer School. Brandon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- BUS ROUTES – Marilyn presented the bus routes for 2015-2016. Han must have the routes for the transportation meeting. Marilyn informed the board that the routes have not changed at this time, however she has received phone calls about possible students on a section of McGirl Road that is not covered at this time which would require some slight changes. Brad moved to accept the bus routes as written. Brandon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
- STUDENT HANDBOOK – Karen Graf, school nurse, was in attendance to inform the board of required changes to the immunization law. She had written changes for the handbook on these changes for the handbook. Melissa is waiting for MTSBA to approve changes on the MBI pages of the handbook. New refocus forms will be added to the handbook. Amber will email them to Marilyn. Anywhere that “cell phones” or other types of technology are discussed in the handbook will be replaced by “technology”. New updates to the grading system will be added. An explanation of the morning walks will be added. Mr. Bassett’s name will be removed and replaced with “Principal/Administrator/Lead Teacher. Marilyn asked the board if they would like a statement similar to one that used to be in the handbook regarding refocus forms that are not returned. Marilyn will find the statement in previous handbooks and email it to the board for them to read over. As per MBI, changes will be made to page 21 from CAN NOT to a more positive wording. Eva will help reword these. Page 20 has a mistake on the Gifted and Talented line saying K – 8 instead of K – 6. Marilyn will check new school board policies adopted earlier in the year to see if any of them need to be updated in the handbook. The handbook will be reviewed at the August meeting.
The clerk presented claims warrants numbered 20285 through 20322 in the amount of $23,462.90, and the payroll warrants numbered 8819 through 8828 in the amount of $98,205.68. The ACH and Direct deposits were included in the amount. The clerk presented the trial balance sheets for each fund and a monthly report stating each line item YTD and budget balance remaining for the each fund. After review of the report, Brad Zink moved to approve the financial reports. Brandon Roth seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
MAIL: The following items were read.
- Thank you card from Marilyn, Theresa, Amber, Eva, and Han regarding lunch and gift card for an appreciate week.
- Thank you card from YSA Soccer Girls.
- Publications from MTSBA and MREA
- The board was informed that the new blinds were installed last week in room 106. They asked which class now has the worst blinds. Marilyn stated that the Kindergarten room blinds have had to have repairs and still do not work properly. The board decided to use flex money to purchase new blinds for the Kindergarten room. Brandon will call Billings Best Blinds to get a bid as soon as possible and have him call Marilyn for a time to meet.
A motion was made by Brandon Roth to adjourn the meeting. Brad Zink seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:30 pm. The next scheduled regular meeting is Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 105 of the main building.