School Closure Update For Pioneer

April 7th, 2020 COVID-19 Closure Update

Dear Panther Families, 

As of 2:15 pm, Governor Bullock mandated to extend school closure in Montana through Friday, April 24th, 2020 with the potential to last longer. 

Pioneer will continue with distance learning plans. A schedule for Google Meet meetings has been posted for grade levels 2-8 on the District’s Virtual Learning Hub. Please ensure your students are following this schedule to get direct contact with their teachers daily. 

Kindergarten and 1st grade will be the only grade levels receiving learning packets moving forward. Grades 2nd-8th can access all material via Google Classroom. Learning packet (K-1 only) pickup is scheduled for this Friday, 4/10 from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM for all out of district students. Student work (grades K-8) packets from the past two weeks can be dropped off at this time as well. In-district student packets will be delivered by Ms. Cindy and Mrs. Michael again this Friday after 9AM. They will also grab student work packets from our in-district students at this time. 

As we continue to navigate this pandemic and new digital platform, please remember to give yourself, students and your teachers grace. The next few weeks will not be easy. There will be mistakes, problems, and concerns along the way. However, there will be more successes, happiness, hope, laughter, fun, and purpose! We understand many of you are still working and have several children to help, financial concerns, health issues, etc.  We are here to patiently offer support to our students and you throughout this challenging time.  We appreciate the feedback we’ve received and will continue to work hard to ensure the absolute best digital learning environment possible.  

We love you, we miss you, stay safe. 

For more information please consult this updated link:


Melissa Schnitzmeier – Principal/Superintendent Pioneer Elementary