School Board Resolution image

#41 Resolution Under SB 307

Pioneer School District #41 Resolution Under SB 307

At the Regular meeting of the Pioneer School District #41 Board of Trustees on Monday, March 20, 2017, the following resolution was passed.

Bill Bullard moved the following resolution:

Resolution of Intent to Impose an Increase in Levies

As an essential part of its budgeting process, the Pioneer School Board of Trustees is authorized by law to impose levies to support its budget.  The Pioneer School Board of Trustees estimates the following increases/decreases in revenues and mills for the funds noted below for the next school fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, using certified taxable valuations from the current school fiscal year as provided to the district:

Fund Supported Estimated Change In Revenues* Estimated Change In Mills* Estimated Impact, Home of $100,000* Estimated Impact, Home of $200,000*
Bus Depreciation $ 0.00  increase/decrease 0 increase/decrease $0.00 increase/decrease $0.00 increase/decrease
Transportation $ 0.00 increase/decrease 0 increase/decrease $0.00 increase/decrease $0.00 increase/decrease
Tuition $ 20,000 increase  11.79  increase $15.92 increase $31.85 increase
Building Reserve $ 16,957 increase  10      increase $13.50 increase $27.00 increase
Total $ 36,957 increase  21.79  increase $23.05 increase $46.11 increase


*impacts above are based on current certified taxable valuations from the current school fiscal year

Regarding the increase in the building reserve levy referenced above, the following are school facility maintenance projects anticipated to be completed at this time:

  1. Repair & paint old building siding
  2. Window Replace
  3. Heating Units Repair/Replace in the Classrooms

The above figures are estimates only.  Accurate numbers for ending fund balance, reserves, and re-appropriation, all of which affect permissive tax levy revenue, are not known until after the fiscal year end books are closed, which is after June 30, 2017.  Taxable value for the FY2018 budgets, which is used to calculate the number of mills needed to generate the tax levy revenue, is not received from the Department of Revenue until August 1, 2017.


Kari Jones seconded.  The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.

Brad Zink, Board Chair

Han Lee, District Clerk

Dated the 20th day of March, 2017