Election Updates and Voting

2019 Election Notices

Download the Official Election Notices Here



Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Clerk of PIONEER School District No. 41, YELLOWSTONE County,State of Montana that the Annual School Election will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, by mail ballot. Ballots may be returned to the following locations,at the following times:

Location Prior to Election Day: Yellowstone County Election Office, 217 N 27th St Rm 101, Billings,MT and
Hours: 8:00am- 5:00 pm

Location on Election Day: Yellowstone County Election Office, 217 N 27th St Rm 101,Billings,MT and
Hours: 7:00am to 8:00 pm


Electors will consider the following issues at the election:

  • One (1) Trustee(s) to be elected doe a three (3) year term CANCELLED BY ACCLAMATION
  • Mill levy proposition to finance the school’s General Fund in the amount of sixteen thousand one hundred thirty-five dollars and twenty four cents ($16.135.24) which is approximately 8.94 mills to support proper maintenance and operation. The durational limit of the levy is permanent once approved by the voters,assuming the district levies that amount at least once in the next five years.

A qualified registered elector who will be absent from the district during the time the election is being conducted may: a) vote in person in the election administrator’s office as soon as the ballots are available and until noon the day before the ballots are scheduled to be mailed;b) make a written request,signed by the applicant and addressed to the election administrator,that the ballot be mailed to an address other than the address that appears on the registration card. The district clerk/election administrator’s office is located at:

Yellowstone County Election Office, 217 N 27th St Rm 101,Billings,MT

If you miss this regular registration deadline (30 days prior to the election),you may still register for the election by showing up at the county election office up to and including on election day. Between noon and the close of business on the day before Election Day,you may complete and submit a voter registration card,but you will need to return to the district voting location on Election Day to pick up

and  vote a ballot. The county election office  is located at:

Yellowstone County Election Office, 217 N 27th St Rm 101, Billings,MT

A late registrant may obtain a ballot on Election Day at the following location: Yellowstone County Election Office,217 N 27th St Rm 101,Billings,MT




WHEREAS,the number of candidates filing a Declaration of Intent  and Oath of Candidacy for the open trustee positions on the Pioneer  School Board of Trustees,District No. 41, Yellowstone County,State of Montana  is equal to or less than the number of positions to be elected,the trustee election is not necessary.

THEREFORE, the necessary 30 day notice is hereby given that the Pioneer School District No. 41, Yellowstone County,State of Montana, Trustee Election is cancelled.

Dated this 5th day of April 2019
District Clerk: marilyn Michael



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Trustees (the”’Board”) of High School District No. 37 (Shepherd), Yellowstone County, Montana (the “High School District’)that pursuant to a certain resolution duly adopted by the Board, a special election of the registered voters of the High School District will be held by mail ballot election on May 7, 2019 for the purpose of voting on the question of whether the Board may sell and issue general obligation school building bonds of the High School District in one or more series in the total principal amount of up to Eight Million Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($8,950,000) for the purpose of paying a portion of the costs of designing, constructing, equipping, and furnishing improvements to the Shepherd schools campus, to include constructing science and laboratory classrooms, a family consumer science room, a secure main entrance and administration area, a cafeteria and kitchen, and a library and media center with classrooms; remodeling the current multipurpose area into additional classrooms; remodeling the career and technical educationlvo ag building; making site improvements; related improvements and costs; and paying costs associated  with the sale and issuance of the bonds (the “Project”). The bonds shall bear interest at a rate to be determined t the time of the sale, be subject to redemption after one-:half of their term, and be payable semiannually during a term as to each series of bonds of not more than twenty (20) years.

Costs of the Project in excess of $8,950,000 are anticipated to be.paid by a portion of the proceeds of bonds of Elementary School District No. 37 (Shepherd), Yellowstone County, Montana, in the total principal amount of up to $8,950,000, authorization for which.is sought simultaneously with the bonds of the High School District.

The election will be conducted by the Yellowstone County Election Administrator solely by mail ballot. Ballots will be mailed to all eligible registered voters in the High School District on Aprill8, 2019, and must be returned by each voter, by mail to the Yellowstone County Election Administrator, Yellowstone County, PO Box 35002, Billings, Montana 59107, or in person to the Yellowstone County Election Administrator, Yellowstone County, 217 North 27th, Room 101, Billings, Montana, during regular business hours (8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.), weekdays (exclusive of holidays), through May 6, 2019, or as described in the following paragraph.

On Election Day, May 7, 2019, the only place for deposit of voted ballots will be the Yellowstone County Election Administrator, Yellowstone County, 217 North 27th, Room 101, Billings, Montana,  w}tich will be open from 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m., and all ballots must be in the County Elections Office by 8:00 p.m. in order to be counted. All ballots will be counted on May

7, 2019, in accordance with Montana law with the preliminary results, if known, expected to be released after 8:00p.m. on that day.

A qualified  voter who V{ill be absent from the High School District during the time the election is being conducted may:

(a)       vote in person in the office of the County Election Administr tor as soon as the ballots are available and until noon on April17, 2019; or

(b)        make a written request prior to noon on April17, 2019, signed by the applicant and addressed to the office of the County Election Administrator requesting the ballot be mailed to an address other than that which appears on the registration records. All ballots to be mailed will be mailed no later than April 18, 2019.

An elector may obtain a replacement ballot if his ballot is destroyed, spoiled, lost, or not received by the elector by personally appearing at the office of the County Election Administrator and by:

(a)        signing an affidavit form stating the reason for the reql,lest for replacement; and

(b)        if the reason given for replacement is “spoiled ballot,” by returning  e spoiled ballono  the office of the County Election Administrator.

Ballots may be returned in person.at the place of deposit listed above, or returned by             ( mail. If returning by mail, please use the then-prevailing first-class-postage price or one Forever Stamp. Postmark date does not apply; ballots returned by mail must be received by the 8:00 p.m. Election Day deadline to be counted.

Please note, all electors, as defined in MCA 2020-301, are those who reside within the High School District and are registered to vote by the close of registration on Apri/8, 2019.

For electors who miss the close of registration deadline, late registration is available through the office of the County Election Administrator until noon on May 6, 2019, and will resume on Election Day, May 7, 2019, from 8:00a.m. until 8:00p.m.

Download the Official Election Notices Here