Welcome to a new school year! I am honored to begin another year as the principal of R.K. Finn Ryan Road Elementary School! I hope families had happy summers and are ready for another great year here at school. I hope that everyone received the summer mailing with information for the upcoming school year. If...
Author: Jeromie Whalen
Caregiver Chromebook End of Year Survey
Students at JFK Middle school completed a year of having individually assigned chromebooks issued to them. As caregivers, we would like your feedback on the program. Thank you for taking a moment to answer the questions on the Google Form below: Click Here to take the Caregiver Survey in ENGLISH Click Here for the Caregiver...
Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 10
Photos Photos this week show some of the amazing inventions in 4th grade. They made Rube Goldberg machines. WHAT IS A RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE? A Rube Goldberg Machine is a crazy contraption which accomplishes a simple task in the most complicated – and funniest – way possible! Based on the “Invention” cartoons of the famous...
Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 3
Photos Photos this week show some of our amazing State Fair displays. Our 4th graders did such a nice job with their projects. The rest of the school enjoyed coming to the fair, and everyone learned a lot about our United States! Other photos some of our 4th graders displaying their pottery bowls. We have...
Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 28
Photos Photos this week show one of our final YEP classes—Mrs. Cleary’s craft class. The students are displaying their crafty airplanes and yummy popsicles. YEP is over for the 2018-2019 school year. It was wonderful to have so many students participate throughout the year. We also welcomed JFK students to our school on Thursday for...
Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of May 20
Photos Photos this week show shadow making a morning recess, our fabulous YEP play of Charlotte’s Web, our Student Leadership Team appreciation breakfast, starter plants in Ms. Desmond’s room (they are preparing plants for the garden), and Ms. Cleary’s class enjoying a taste of rhubarb on Friday. The last photo shows how we are preparing...